Episode 6

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When i think about my youth again .. I regret all the days i wasted on things that didn't matter.
And the hours i spent thinking about people who didn't deserve.
For the 16 years old me the hardest thing was watching my crush treating me like i was nothing.
Now i only smile in bittersweet over those little sorrows.
Like when we were working on that project of English.. Rayan divided the tasks equally between him and the other two members.
As for me .. I was given the closure .. With barely one paragraph to say.
_" i can do more" i objected.
So Fouzi looking at me he mocked:
_" can you even understand English" 
And that put an end to our argue.
I worked on my part and gave it all the time i had.
My English was so poor i had to use the dictionary a thousand times.
Especially that no one of my whole family could speak one full correct English sentence .
In that time were so little of people had internet .. And the majority only knew it existed. I had to go to the cyber coffee so often my elder brother swore he'll drag me from my hair if he ever saw me there again.
And he would..
He barely reached highschool when he dropped studies.
His only companion was the cigarette he perfectly hided in his room.
And with nothing else to do in his life.
He had all the time for me..
When i was finally satisfied with what i did .. I delivered my work to my team.. Only to find my self the only one who actually did a task in that project!
_" what do you mean you didn't have time!.. I didn't have time too!!" I objected on the day of the project presentation.
Not believing how shit like they were.
_" who cares about an English project when the exams are on the door knocking?" Fouzi explained with a laughter.
High fiving some boy who wasn't even in our group but was sitting with us because he liked Chahra.
Both laughing at me.
Chahra looked at me with a puppy's eyes and shamelessly suggested:
_" you did the closure Nadia .. That's amazing! Why don't we both tell the teacher we did it together. I'm your friend right?"
I just pretended i didn't even hear a word from her and looked At Rayan ..
The supposedly first student in the class.
_" what happened? Why didn't you do your part of the project like we agreed?"
He gave me half a look .. And then he ignored me.
What a piece of @$%& i thought.
_" i'll report this to the teacher mister team leader" i threatened.
Only then Fouzi stopped laughing.. Chahra stopped flirting.
And Rayan looked at me seriously.
_" don't be a @$%&%$ .. I'll disfigure that face of yours if you do it girl!" Fouzi threatened standing up of his seat ..
Literally ready to punch me.
Rayan soon stood up and pushed Fouzi to seat down.
Looked me right in my eyes and dared:
_" go ahead and tell her"
_" i will" i said decidedly.
And really went to report..
But before i even reach her desk Rayan walked so fast and reached her before me.
And slammed a draft of papers on her desk:
_" what's going on?" The teacher asked.
And before i said a word Rayan interrupted:
_" this is our group's project about human rights .. I did it only with my colleague Nadia . the other members didn't find time. We came here to ask you to take their names off"
_" who are they?" She asked displeased right away.
_" Fouzi and Chahra" Rayan answered.
I looked at him in disbelief..
What the hell was he doing!
The teacher soon called Chahra and Fouzi on the board.. Gave them a harsh lecture in front of the whole class and promised them they both will have a 0 in the English exam.
When we went back to our seats and the English seance ended.
Fouzi came like a storm to my seat .. He kicked my desk so hard it flied and hit my nose.
He really made his threat reality, didn't he?
My nose started bleeding .. All the class surrounded me looking concerned.
Fouzi started apologizing and begging me not to report what happened to the administration.
But i only saw and heard a blur.. Before i fainted.

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