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"Voldermort is dead but we're not so sure that it'll stay that way," Hermione said, her brown eyes watching Harry and our father carefully.

I watched as our father's cool grey eyes met Hermione's stare, his jaw clenching in aggravation, "Start explaining," He paused as he levelled a deathly calm glare in Harry's direction, "Or things will become very unpleasant. Do I make myself clear, Potter?"

Harry's jaw clenched as he met our father's glare, "Crystal."

I watched as our father went to open his mouth to speak, choosing now as a good time to step in, "I thought you killed the dark lord," I say, grey eyes meeting green ones.

"I did."

Scorpius's grey eyes looked into my own as he arched a blonde eyebrow, "Then what makes you so certain that he won't stay that way?" He asked dryly.

I watched as the redhead, Ron, sighed in frustration, "You Malfoy's sure know how to get under people's bloody skin," Glancing warily in our father's direction after he'd spoken.

"It's a talent," Scorpius uttered, smirking.

I eyed both of the blonde's that watched the famous golden trio, their stares never leaving either of the trio's for too long, "I'd suggest making any explanations swift," I say, gaze drifting to my brother and father.

"You suspected this seventeen years ago, didn't you Malfoy?" Harry asked.

"I did."

Slowly, ever so slowly, I turned my head to look towards our father. Studying his face for any inkling of deception or lies, swallowing thickly when I couldn't find anything besides the truth staring back at me. Tearing my grey eyes from his face, I met Scorpius's stare and saw nothing but a knowing look within his eyes, "You knew."

He nodded his head slowly, hesitantly, "I did but Lysia-"

My thundery grey eyes darkened with anger as I interrupted him, "I don't want to hear it, not a single thing."

"Lysia," Our father pleaded.

"No, you had years to explain. Through a damn letter would have been something," I seethed out, eyes ablaze with anger as I stood from the black table.

Turning my head back towards my brother, his light grey eyes filled with pain, "And you, you knew for Merlin knows how long and you kept it from me," I scoffed as I watched him open his mouth to say something, "It's funny how now you want to talk but you missed the boat, I don't want to hear your useless excuses because if we were in danger. I'd be dead."

"I wouldn't have let that happen," Our father said from beside me.

Turning my head to look at him, I smiled bitterly, "Wouldn't it?" I pretended to think over what he'd just said before a cold laugh slipped passed my lips, "The thing is, I would have died. People tend to die in dangerous situations when they don't know what's going on."

With those words left hanging in the air, I turned and walked back towards the french doors. Leaving not one, not two but five people in complete and utter silence. I stilled at the feel of a weight landing upon my shoulders, the gentle nibbling of Archimedes smooth beak brushed against my neck as he ruffled my hair, soft noises of comfort emitting from him. I pulled the door open and continued up the stairs towards my room, closing my bedroom door behind me with a slight thud.

Removing Archimedes from my shoulder, I let him climb onto the stand within my room before I turned and walked towards my bed. The grey sheets were cool and crisp as I dropped myself onto the mattress, sighing slightly as I got comfortable. I knew that it'd only be a matter of time before Scorpius or my father came looking for me, hoping to talk about what I'd said and what they'd neglected to say.

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