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It was only a few minutes after Lucius had left that the wooden door opened, the small grunts of displeasure from Scorpius and our father could be heard as Lucius pushed them into the room, closing the door behind them with a thud, "Elysian," Scorpius said, crossing the room in a few hurried strides as he pulled me into his arms.

"I'm okay," I replied, his arms only tightening around me further as he hugged me.

Scorpius merely rested his head above my own as he hugged me, "They're coming here, Lysia."

"I know," I say, pulling away from his embrace and looking at our father that stood behind Scorpius, casually leaning against the wall.

"How long until they get here?" I ask.

Our father sighed as he raked his hands through his hair in frustration, "A day at most, some have already arrived."

I nodded my head slowly, "Will you have to join them?"

His grey eyes met my own as he nodded, "I will but it won't be by choice, they won't let either myself or Scorpius be anywhere near you tomorrow. We're all Voldermort's prisoners, even with the mark on my arm, he knows that it means nothing to me now and he'll use that against me."

"Where will we be then?" Scorpius asked, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"You'll be restrained by one of them," I say.

Scorpius scoffed, "They'll have another thing coming for them if they think I'll just stand there nicely."

"Scorpius," Our father warned, grey eyes filled with a look that I'd never seen before.


"You can't do anything stupid, they don't mess around. You piss them off and they won't hesitate to cruciate you, I've seen them do it myself," He uttered lowly.

I tensed as I processed what he'd just said, "You've seen them cruciate people?"

His grey eyes darkened as he nodded his head slowly, "More times than I'd like to recall."

"It's okay, you still have your wands at least," I stated calmly, breathing in deeply as I let what I'd said calm myself.

But as Scorpius threw our father a look, I knew before either of them spoke that they didn't have their wands. I breathed in deeply, eyeing both of them before I spoke, "You don't have them, do you?"

I watched as Scorpius shook his head, "My father took them, it'd only make it easier for us to escape and he knows that," Our father said.

I nodded my head, squeezing the purple, beaded bag in my hands tightly. My eyes widening as I realised what I held, "I still have mine."

Scorpius arched an eyebrow as he looked me up and down, "Where is it then?" He prompted doubtfully.

A smirk grew on my face as I pulled the bag open, reaching inside until I felt the cool Cypress wood brush against my fingertips, "Leave it, Lysia," Our father stated firmly, I looked at him in confusion, my fingertips lightly brushing the wood of my wand within the beaded bag.

"Why? This is our chance, we can get out of here," Scorpius exclaimed in disbelief.

"Do you really think that it would be that easy? That they'd just let us walk away from here?" He says, running his fingers through his blonde hair in aggravation.

Pulling my arm out from the small purple bag, I pulled the drawstrings closed, sealing the bag closed, "He's right Scorpius, we could get out of here but we wouldn't be free," I stated calmly.

The room fell into silence as Scorpius continued to look at the both of us in confusion, eyes darting from myself to our father in disbelief. I merely shook my head as he went to open his mouth to speak, his grey eyes narrowing as he closed his mouth and walked towards the canopy bed, throwing himself onto the black silk sheets. I rolled my eyes with a small smile on my face as I walked over to where a lone emerald green armchair sat, angled in a way that would allow you to look out the diamond-paned window.

I hadn't discarded the hope that had swelled in my chest when I had remembered my wand, tucked away within the purple, beaded bag but our father was right. We couldn't just walk out of here, the death eaters valued the approval of their lord too much for that, and others simply enjoyed inflicting the pain and torment onto their victims. A shiver ran up my spine as I remembered something Hermione had told me several years ago. I glanced towards my father who sat on the floor, his back resting against the light grey walls as he glared at the mark upon his arm.

He'd been there that day as his aunt, Bellatrix Lestrange, had tortured Hermione. She still bore the scar from it, much like my own father still bore the dark mark. She hadn't told me much about that day, only the briefest of details as she showed me the word that Bellatrix had carved into her skin, the word 'Mudblood' a pale scar on her forearm. I rubbed my own arm absentmindedly as I recalled what Harry and Ron had said to her, the way she described it making goosebumps cover my skin.

I hadn't known then why she'd told me but now, I realised that she'd known. She'd known what my father had feared and why he was adamant to hide us in the Muggle world. And yet, she hadn't questioned him or doubted him. Instead, she'd offered to teach us every spell she knew and she did that knowing that his aunt had been the one to torture her, and that he had been nothing but a bully to her throughout school.

"You told her, didn't you?" I said softly, my thundery grey eyes locking with his cool grey ones.

He studied me intently before he sighed, "I did. Your mother convinced me to. I hadn't originally wanted to ask any of the golden trio for help but your mother convinced me that out of all of them, Hermione would help."

"She helped you even after everything you'd done to her when you went to Hogwarts together," I said softly, tilting my head to the side slightly as I saw him grimace.

"I know now that everything I did was because I'd been raised to strongly believe in the importance of blood purity," He scoffed as his eyes flashed with anger, "Those beliefs are what drive Voldermort, he despises the intermingling of Purebloods and Muggle-borns."

"I think it drives a lot more people than just Voldermort," Scorpius stated from his place on the canopy bed.

I chuckled lowly, "It certainly does."

We all froze as the sound of footsteps could be heard approaching the room we sat in, Scorpius pushing himself up into a sitting position as his grey eyes watched the wooden door. Our father, not wasting a single moment as he pushed himself up from the floor and walked towards where I sat, placing himself in front of me protectively. As the footsteps grew closer, Scorpius stood up from the bed and walked over towards where I still sat in the emerald armchair, standing beside our father as he matched his protective stance.

With both blondes now blocking my only view of the door, I could only listen as the footsteps stopped out the front of the door. As I began to stand up from the armchair, a hand landed atop my shoulder and gently pushed me back down into the chair. I met the cool grey eyes of our father as he shook his head slightly, "Stay behind us," He said as he turned back to face the door, his hand still resting on my shoulder.

I tensed up further as the door opened, a tense silence filling the air as whoever stood in the doorway observed the two blondes that stood before me, blocking whoever stood in the doorway from me. A low chuckle filled the room, a cold sound that made both Scorpius and my father tense up further. I stared at the black material of my father's t-shirt as the unmistakable clicking sound of a walking stick filled the room, the sound alone revealing who stood mere metres away.

"Aw Draco. Do you really think this will stop me from getting to her?" He said coldly.

A/N: Thank you for 593 reads! AAH Mattheo is in the next chapter and I'm so excited for it <3

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