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The crashing of the waves against the rocky cliff face filled the silence that threatened to encase the entire house as I turned away from the empty doorway of Mattheo's room and picked up the faded blue book, the pale white letters upon the cover never seeming so understandable as they did now.

Pride was a fickle thing, a deadly thing and yet, Mattheo and I both had that one thing in common. We were both too proud to get along and act civil with the other, and because of that, we were both constantly at the other's throats. Mattheo taking that part quite seriously as I recalled both times he'd wrapped his hand around my throat, anger blazing within his eyes each time.

I wasn't going to try and claim innocence. I'd said horrible things about his father but even if they had been true, it hadn't made it right. It'd only made it worse. I'd known what I was saying when I'd spoken but I couldn't find it in myself to feel bad for it. His father had murdered more people and destroyed others lives far worse than the words I'd spoken. He'd known just as well as I did but neither of us had cared as we drove the knives in deeper, rubbing salt into already opened wounds shortly after.

The bitter sting reverberating in both of us.

"How does it feel to be the cause of your mother's death?" His anger riddled voice spoke, replaying within my mind on a constant loop.

"At least my parents wanted me, yours never did." A grimace crossed my face as my own words filled my mind, intermingling with Mattheo's perfectly as though they were supposed to be together.

The look of realisation that had flitted across his face had briefly held back the anger that had filled my veins, an anger that had stemmed from my own distaste with myself. I knew in that moment that he too had realised that I blamed myself for my mother's death. It had always occurred to me that my own father should have detested Scorpius and me, after all, we had been the reason her curse had sped up.

But, he never had. Not once.

I could still remember the day I'd asked Hermione about my mother and the way Hermione's eyebrows had scrunched as she tried to find the right words to tell an eleven-year-old that their mother had passed away years earlier. Her dark chocolate brown eyes filling with compassion when she'd finally found an appropriate way to tell me. I remember her warm hands as they held my own, squeezing them slightly in reassurance as she told me to look up at the stars that glinted in the night sky.

"Elysian, can you tell me what those sparkling dots are in the sky?" She'd asked as she glanced down at me.

I hadn't torn my eyes away as I responded, "They're stars."

"Your father is named after a constellation. The constellation of a dragon, but unlike your father who is merely named after a group of stars. Your mother is a star." I remember turning to face her in that moment, confusion plastered across my face.

"A star?" I'd questioned in disbelief, arching an eyebrow doubtfully.

Hermione had sighed as she rubbed her face lightly, her brown eyes flicking down to meet my own as she decided in that moment to tell me the truth; a sweeter truth but still nonetheless the truth. "Elysian, your mother passed away several years ago and for ten years now, she's been amongst the stars watching you from above."

I'd been old enough then to understand and grasp the basic concepts of death as my grey eyes frantically searched her face for any signs that she was lying. She'd released another sigh as she wrapped her arm around my shoulder and pulled me into her side. "She's always there, even when you don't think she is. She lives on within you, her Elysian."

"Her Elysian?" I'd asked, peering up at her through my lashes.

Hermione had smiled softly down at me in response as she nodded her head. "Elysian is a way that people sometimes describe paradise or heaven. You, Lysia, were her heaven on earth."

A tapping sound upon the window broke me out of my thoughts, my eyes snapping towards the large window that sat in front of me and the black flecked snowy owl that sat perched upon the window sill. Archimedes's shiny black beak tapping upon the glass as he made a delighted screeching sound. The latch of the large paned window jutting out just in front of where the snowy white owl sat from inside.

I didn't hesitate any further when my eyes landed upon the latch, standing up from the black leather couch in a rush as I crossed the small distance between myself and the window. The cool metal latch digging into my hand as I twisted the latch and opened the window. I watched as Archimedes took off from the window sill, flying in an elegant arch before he swooped in through the window and landed upon the wooden table between the two leather chairs.

Shaking out his feathers as his golden-yellow eyes locked on me, a clicking sound that I'd noticed was his way of showing excitement emitting from his throat as he walked across the table, sitting at the edge whilst he waited patiently for me to walk towards him. I smiled softly to myself as an amused chuckle slipped past my lips. Closing the small distance between myself and the snowy owl as I sat upon the edge of the wooden table.

"I missed you too." I say, running my fingers across his silky smooth feathers.

I stayed sitting at the edge of the wooden table for several minutes, Archimedes gently nibbling at my fingers as he fiddled with the silver serpent ring on my hand. I sighed in content as I watched the dark blue waves crash against the cliff face. White water rolling over the rocks that jutted out from beneath the cliff as the sea spray filled the sky. The sun continued to shine through the thick grey clouds on its downward incline towards the sea, the warm rays of sunlight slipping through the gaps within the clouds as it filled the room with the slightest natural light.

I jumped as a banging sound filled the house, my sudden movement startling Archimedes as he lifted his wings in preparation to fly. I breathed in deeply through my nose as I glanced around the room, my grey eyes locking on my wand that sat upon a shelf of Mattheo's bookshelf. Hurriedly, I crossed the room, grabbing my wand from upon the shelf as the banging continued to fill the house.

With one final inhale of air through my nose to calm the nerves that swirled within me, I walked towards the doorway of Mattheo's room. My heart racing as I stepped into the dimly lit hallway and began walking in the direction of the banging noise, my wand clutched tightly within my hand as I entered the kitchen and lounge room.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I tried to think of one person that would know about this place beside Mattheo; who had walked out the house over an hour ago. And, considering it was his house-I doubted he'd knock upon his own front door.

The banging upon the front door was louder here as my eyes scanned the room for anything out of place. My eyes locking upon a dark silhouette that leant against the frosted glass beside the front door. Swallowing the unease that filled me, I crossed the room and grasped the cool silver handle of the door within my free hand. I held my cool Cypress wand steady as I twisted the door handle, the beginnings of a protection spell on the tip of my tongue as I pulled the door open.

Mattheo leant against the frosted window as he clutched his side, the dark grey material of his shirt covered in blood as his sable-brown eyes locked with my own. Blood covered his arms and face, a yellowy bruising beginning to appear across his jaw through the blood that stained his chin and upper lip. A small cut ran horizontally across the bridge of his nose, his left eyebrow split open as blood dripped from the open cut, the underside of his eyebrow a shade of purple and black.

"Mattheo?" I uttered in disbelief, my eyes darting from each cut and bruise across his face, to the blood-stained fabric of his t-shirt that his hand-applied pressure to.

Mattheo grunted in pain as he pushed himself away from the frosted glass window-his dark brown eyes locking with my own, "As much as I hate you and your presence in my life. I don't have anywhere else to go."

A/N: Thank you to theycallme_mj, ShasmeenAziz and Taehyung_11425 for voting! Thank you SO much for 2.25k reads <3 Please don't be a ghost reader or a stranger, interact with my book somehow or in someway because I absolutely love hearing your feedback :)

Socials: charlizekkelly

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