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!Trigger Warning!

A pin-drop silence accompanied his words. Mattheo's back tensed further, hand pressing firmly into the middle of my back as though reminding himself that I was safely tucked behind him.

"I'm not your son." Mattheo grit out between clenched teeth, sable eyes never straying from the man that stood within the doorway.

A doppelgänger sound that I had heard within my dream drifting to my ears as the man tutted disapprovingly at Mattheo's words. "Say what you like, but it doesn't change a thing. We both know whose blood runs through your veins."

Dark eyes flitted from Mattheo's face to the arm that Mattheo kept wound around my waist, a taunting smile crossing the man's face as he took a single step through the doorway and into my room.

"Where are your manners, Mattheo? I'm sure your mother taught you better than that." The stentorian voice uttered tauntingly.

"She did, but I don't have a habit of introducing people to you." Mattheo spat with disgust.

"Now, now, Mattheo. It's just a simple introduction, nobody needs to get hurt." The man warned lowly.

Mattheo reluctantly stepped to the side so that his father could glimpse me from beside his son. My eyebrows came together as scepticism marred my thunderous-grey eyes. The man that stood before me was a dead ringer for that of the man that had occupied my dreams-dreams I wished to never relive again. I knew in the back of my mind who stood before me. It screamed throughout my mind like a siren. The same name replaying in my mind on a loop, chanting the name like a mantra that didn't want to be forgotten.

His raven-black hair glinted in the low lighting, the curls that I'd only ever seen within Mattheo's hair reflected in his own. The same black suit that he'd worn within my dream brought his pale, ivory skin further into focus. He continued to twirl the pale wooden wand between his fingers. The lone ring he wore glinting as a flash of lightning lit up the sky and thunder rumbled through the dark clouds.

Rain pattered across the glass panes of my window, the amber-eyes of who could only be the Dark Lord watching me as I drank in the sight of the feared man before me. His appearance was so different from that of the pale, reptilian skinned man my father had told me about so many times before. I knew the answer of who stood before me, but his appearance was so different that I couldn't be entirely sure, not even Mattheo's brief conversation with the man before me could quell the question that sat on the tip of my tongue.

"Who are you?" I breathed out, feeling so utterly stupid and naïve as a dark smile spread across his face.

That same tilt of the head that I'd seen Mattheo do so many times before was mirrored by the raven-haired man before me. "I think you already know the answer to that question, but I'll humour you. Just this once."

I watched as he took another calculated step into the room, making a show of unfastening the single button to his suit jacket as he came to a stop only metres away. "Tom Marvolo Riddle. Better known as Lord Voldemort." He uttered plainly.

The similarities between the two seemed to die after the initial small quirks, gestures and eye colour. Voldemort's own disinterested and cold exterior proved to be far less welcoming than Mattheo's own cold and calculated facade. It occurred to me now, as I peered up at Mattheo's face from beside him, that the house remained deathly silent apart from that of the storm raging outside. The faintest brush of fear swirling within my heart as I turned my attention back towards the darkest wizard of all time.

I sucked in a small breath of air as I calmed my racing mind. "What is it that you want from me?" I prompted, throwing my cautions to the wind that howled across the grassy hill outside.

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