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This entire chapter is dedicated to Hellen McCrory because without you we never would have had Narcissa Malfoy. Rest In Peace Hellen, you'll never be forgotten <3


The drawing-room that we stood in was a widely proportioned room. Probably the grandest room of the house, though it was hard to tell considering I hadn't been beyond this room. Two chandeliers hung from the ceiling each as extravagant as the last, and a pipe organ sat at one end of the room. The gentle nudge of Scorpius's elbow to my arm had my grey eyes turning away from the large pipe organ, the slight incline of his head in our father's direction had my stare moving away from him and towards our father.

The casual black t-shirt and jeans he wore looked out of place in this grand house, his black boots seemingly the only thing that fit in. I furrowed my eyebrows as I studied him, head tilting slightly when I noticed one prominent thing. His eyes never left his mother, who stood leaning against a long ornate table. But, as I watched him, I realised that when his eyes did stray from his mother, they always landed upon a single chair partway in the middle of the table.

I turned back towards Scorpius, the silent question evident in my eyes, "You noticed that too?" I asked in a low, hushed whisper.

He nodded his head, grey eyes darting towards our father and the woman that stood beside him, our grandmother, "I've got a feeling that something happened in this room, more than once, and now, no matter what he does. He can't forget it, you can see it every time he looks at the table or to that one chair," He paused briefly, eyebrows furrowing in thought, "I think he's afraid."

"Afraid of what?" I ask, turning my head to look at our father and his mother. Her hair rested just below her shoulders, half of her hair was a dark chocolate brown while beneath that half was nothing but pure platinum blonde.

"Him," Scorpius uttered lowly, barely above a whisper.

I turned back to face him, following where his eyes remained locked on the entranceway to the drawing-room. The shoulder-length platinum blonde hair and those same cool grey eyes left nothing to wonder, and as I glanced back towards Scorpius, the resemblance was there. The black clothes he wore were mostly hidden behind the expensive-looking cloak he wore, the shiny black shoes he wore glinting in the chandelier lights.

With both of our eyes locked on the man that could only be our grandfather, both Scorpius and I hadn't noticed our father move across the room silently. His hand resting lightly atop my shoulder had my gaze snapping away from our grandfather and towards him, a sheepish grin plastered across his face as he mouthed a silent 'sorry'.

"Ah, Draco. How nice to see you again," His father drawled, the walking stick he carried clicking against the tiled floors as he walked towards our grandmother.

His grey eyes lazily drifting towards where Scorpius stood, "I can certainly see the family resemblance in you," His gaze flicking towards our father briefly, "He's almost a dead ringer for you, Draco."

I felt our father tense up behind me as the calculating stare that had once been on Scorpius drifted to me, head tilting in a way that screamed predatory, "My, my, Draco. The hair colour is all Astoria but her eyes," He made somewhat of a clicking noise in the back of his throat as he began walking towards us, stopping only when he stood directly in front of me.

"You're going to cause so much trouble for him," He furrowed his eyebrows mockingly, "But, you already have now that the dark lord has returned," He stated coolly.

"Lucius, that's enough," Our grandmother said, sending me a small apologetic smile as she grabbed his forearm and pulled him several steps back.

His eyes remained locked on me, even as he spoke again, "What is it that you need, Draco?"

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