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That lone word rang throughout my mind as pain tore through me, the pain so intense, so all-consuming, that I no longer knew where I was. White-hot knives pierced every inch of my skin and despite the pain that laced every pore in my body, I was utterly convinced that my head was going to burst with pain; the screams that tore from my throat louder than I'd ever screamed in my life. More pain-filled than the last time I'd been within the cellar of this house.

Unlike the cellar I had died in, I wasn't left upon the cold, hard floor. Instead Mattheo still held me, preventing me from falling to the floor in a sightless fit of pain as I continued to thrash in his arms-trying to fight the searing pain of the cruciatus curse. His dark eyes watching me closely as my father and brother yelled in the background, the pleading that reached my ears sounding muffled as I fought aimlessly to rid myself of the pain that washed over me in relentless crashing waves.

I could still feel the handles to Hermione's purple, beaded bag around the wrist that Mattheo still held pinned into place at his side. The sound of my wand clattering to the marble floors echoed around the drawing-room as it fell from my hand. A tidal wave of pain washing through me as another harrowing scream filled the room. Through the blur of the tears that welled in my eyes, I caught a flash of red hair as George was dragged into the room by two death eaters, his brown eyes filling with rage as he met Mattheo's stare.

"Let her go," George uttered coldly. The semblance of that smiling, laughing, joking redhead I'd seen before vanished entirely.

A dark, taunting laugh filled the now deathly quiet room as even the pain that continued to lash through me eased as though waiting for the dark-haired man's response, "Let her go from what exactly? The spell or my arms?"

I blinked away the tears that had welled up in my eyes. George's jaw clenched in an attempt to rein in his anger. Scorpius's grey eyes remained locked on my own as we waited for George's response, our father glaring daggers in the redhead's direction as if to urge him to answer Mattheo's question so that I could be free from the pain of an unforgivable curse.

"The spell," George snapped as he pulled against the two death eaters that held him.

Mattheo merely hummed in acknowledgement, the pain that washed through me vanishing completely as I slumped into Mattheo's arms. My body screaming in protest at any form of movement as basic as standing upright. The energy I'd used screaming and fighting aimlessly against the hold of the cruciatus curse, one of the three unforgivable curses, catching up to me as a wave of fatigue swept across me.

My eyelids growing heavy as I fought the urge to fall asleep, this time however the darkness that would greet me would be sleep and not the depthless abyss of death, the thought alone easing the anxiety that had started to creep in. I blinked tiredly, my grey eyes meeting those of my father and brother as their eyes never strayed from me, their keen grey eyes observing and analysing anything that was given to them.

I didn't bother trying to remove myself from Mattheo's arms knowing that if I did, I'd end up on the ground as my legs gave out. I blinked slowly, tiredly several more times as Mattheo began to speak, "I hope you know that I didn't use the cruciatus curse on you for no reason. I used it on you to punish the blood traitor."

"That's what this was? A punishment?" I questioned hoarsely.

Mattheo's grip tightened upon my wrist as he adjusted his hold on me, wrapping an arm around my waist as he glanced down at me, "He knew the consequences and yet, he still chose to apparate with you in his arms."

Mattheo scoffed, dark eyes meeting George's, "What would Fred think of you now?"

My grey eyes darted over towards George's as I fought the overwhelming urge to close my eyes. "Don't you dare speak of him like you'd known him," George spat in outrage, fighting against the death eaters that held him as my eyelids fluttered shut.

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