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Lucius eyed the two blondes that stood before me with a look of disdain across his face, "Immobulus," He uttered as he walked into the room, stepping around Scorpius as he reached out and grabbed my arm.

Harshly pulling me up from the armchair, his cold grey eyes briefly trailing towards the two blondes that stood frozen in place, "Pity," He said disgustedly.

"Pity?" I scoffed as his grey eyes met my own, the smokey grey colour darkening with anger.

He merely pursed his lips in annoyance, eyes looking me up and down with displeasure, "The only person I pity is him," He said, gesturing with his head towards my father, "You can't begin to understand how much trouble you'll cause him or how much pain he'll go through, all because you're the witch that the prophecy speaks of."

He didn't say much more as he began dragging me from the room, both Scorpius and my father still frozen in place. The hallway was quieter this time, the people within the portraits silent as we passed by. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I caught several occupants of the portraits whispering amongst themselves quietly, uneasy glances being thrown towards the entranceway to the drawing-room that led down the flight of stairs. Lucius never slowed his unfaltering steps as he dragged me down the stairs, hand clutching my arm in a bruising grip.

I stopped looking at the portraits when all I could see across their faces were terror, pure undiluted terror. My gaze instead dropped to the stairs that Lucius continued to drag me down even as the elegant staircase reached the first floor, our footsteps echoing in the suddenly silent mansion. My breath caught in my throat as he dragged me the remainder of the way to the drawing-room, his grip upon my arm tightening further as he entered the room. I breathed in deeply to steady my nerves, tearing my eyes from the floor as I met the stares of the death eaters that occupied the long, ornate table.

The furniture that had decorated the room was carelessly pushed against the walls, Narcissa Malfoy sat tensely at the long table, eyeing the death eaters around her warily. I furrowed my eyebrows further in confusion as I continued to look at my grandmother. I'd known that Lucius and my father were death eaters but my father had never specified if his mother had been one. My eyes darted to her forearms, disappointment quickly flaring up inside of me as the pale skin of her arms was covered by the black long-sleeve shirt that she wore.

"Elysian Malfoy, I presume," Drawled a dark-haired man not much older than Scorpius and myself, his tan skin and dark brown eyes studying every inch of my face.

I briefly glanced towards Lucius in confusion, the guy that sat at the head of the table being nothing more than a stranger to me. Lucius merely huffed in annoyance as he pulled me closer to the dark-haired man, pulling out one of the chairs to the table and then pushing me down into the seat roughly, "You presume correctly, Mattheo," Lucius says, inclining his head respectfully.

I froze as those words left his mouth, my eyes darting towards the platinum-blonde whose eyes were filled with nothing but smug satisfaction. Even as my eyes hardened in anger, the deathly glare I sent the man that was my grandfather promising nothing but pain, I could still feel the dark-eyed man's stare upon me. My heart raced as the reality of the situation I was in began to sink in, not only was I in a room filled with death eaters but I currently sat beside the most feared wizard of all times son.

Mattheo Riddle himself sat at the head of the table, fingers interlaced idly as he watched me.

"Leave us," He ordered softly, loud enough that all the death eaters that had occupied the table and the room quickly left.

The silence that followed was eerily quiet as I tore my eyes from the empty place that Lucius had once stood, meeting the dark eyes of Mattheo as he tilted his head to the side, a smirk slowly forming on his face as he continued to look at me, "You're much prettier than I thought you'd be," He says, eyebrows furrowing slightly as he studied my face.

Death Eaters DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now