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Where to start is the million dollar question that I've been asking myself-where does one start to say thank you or stop for that matter? I couldn't tell you the answer to that question because frankly, I don't even know it myself. I've spent months combing through Death Eaters Daughter for answers to so many of my questions; wondering how I'd lucked out with such an overwhelming influx of readers and support. Because, let's face it.

I didn't expect any of this. Hell, I'm still convinced that this'll all disappear in a blink of an eye.

To Kat, thank you for fangirling over Elysian and Mattheo whenever I shared a snippet, plot twist or scene with you. Those moments always brought a smile to my face and continued to push me through whatever doubts I had surrounding my writing skills-or the ones I believed that I didn't have. I'll say it again now though for you, Kat. I dedicated this book to you, and when I finally get around to formatting it for you so that you can hold a copy within your hands. This'll be the dedication that you see on page five:

"To Kat; because we'd both sell our souls to become Elysian. And, thank you for being my Elysian-a constant light that never seems to dim."

To Amy, the beautiful Rose, thank you for everything you've done for me. Your helpful tips and never-ending support mean the world to me; I'm so grateful that I met you and am proud to call you my friend (even if an ocean literally separates us). Much like Kat, you too will have a dedication on page five that I've kept hidden from you while you beta read DED. But, I think I'll keep it hidden for just a little while longer because I have something up my sleeve and I can't wait to get your reaction. As always, thank you. For everything <3

I also want to thank Yasmine, the original creator of Mattheo Riddle, because without you, we'd never have been given Mattheo. Without you, this fan fiction of your original character never would have happened and I certainly wouldn't have been able to bring a new take to the notorious bad boy that is Mattheo Riddle. So, thank you for giving us all the Dark Lord's son and the opportunity to bring our own versions of Mattheo to life.

Thank you to my gorgeous beta readers, Sam and Mars. I'm eternally grateful for your help, guidance and support through the rather tedious process of editing an 83k word book. The word count sounds scary but you guys handled it with ease and still managed to give me notes and feedback on my work, and for that I'm so bloody grateful!

And let's not leave the best for last, shall we?

Thank you to the readers. Thank you for everything. The comments that were both cheeky or full of questions that brought smiles to my face or a blatant laugh from my mouth that truly made my days better. (I was asked several times by my parents why I was smiling at my phone.) Thank you to those of you that had taken to sharing pieces of my story on tiktok or for sharing the tiktoks I made-you've helped more than you'll ever know. Thank you to the voters and the ghost readers who lurked within the read count; I see you even if you wanted to go unnoticed.

There's not a moment that'll go by that I'm not grateful for everything you've done for me; restoring my faith in myself time and time again as seamlessly as I typed these words into coherent sentences. I've only ever dreamt of being a writer and this is something I'll never trade for anything; this utterly bittersweet moment that brings tears to my eyes. I know that I'll never be able to thank you enough, nor will I ever be able to convey the gratitude and joy that you've brought into my life for these months that I posted chapter after chapter.

I wrote this acknowledgement on the sixteenth of November and you won't glimpse this until the fifth of January in the New Year (today). I cannot predict the future, but I do hope that you follow me through the rest of my writing journey because it's far from over.

In fact, it's only just beginning.

My fan fiction Bikes & Blood is as bittersweet as this ending to another chapter in my life-the stories that live on through this fan fiction and Bikes & Blood hiding a truth that all beginnings must come to an end. Bikes & Blood showcases my love for the villain, angst that comes hand in hand with every auspicious moment and, above all; the unspoken and maybe even unacknowledged pieces of our world. Tied together with moments of pure and utter blissfulness that comes with an acute feeling of freedom or belonging. A city held together by those who've felt lost for as long as they can remember and find comfort in their every desire. And, for those of you that are like me-it grants you the opportunity to escape, to hide within the fictional worlds that live on in our minds.

I'll wait for you there; between the pages of Bikes & Blood (a fan fiction that I intend to rewrite as a original work once it's completed) where death is easy and life is hard. Welcoming you with awaiting arms and a story filled with vampires, friendship, romance, late nights spent with the breeze in your hair and the stars shining down at you, fur-covered companions, a distant eighties track playing in the background and a series of events that send nostalgia and longing through you.

By twenty-twenty-five, I hope you'll still be around to see the trilogy I have planned. A trilogy that'll make you appreciate Death Eaters Daughter and Bikes & Blood even more because you were there when it fell into place for me; stitching together like missing pieces of a puzzle that was left incomplete.

I can only hope you'll still be by my side then, and if you are.

I'll welcome you back time and time again like a well-missed friend.

Thank you from the very depths of my heart. For everything.

And, just know that you're always safe with me <3


Closing statuses:
Reads: 27, 576
Votes: 827
Comments: 444
Time to read: 6h and 45m
Word count: 83, 360
Highest ranking: #2 in Malfoy
Started: 21/4/21
Completed: 5/1/22

Death Eaters Daughter is up on Goodreads so please leave a review and rating <3

Socials to reach me:
Tiktok & Twitter~charlizekkelly

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