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"Elysian, wake up."

I groaned in annoyance, refusing to open my eyes as I rolled over to face the other side of the bed. My back faced Mattheo, who stood at the edge of the bed with an unimpressed look plastered across his face, his hand outstretched as though he was about to start pushing on my shoulder again.

"If you start shoving my shoulder again. I'll break your wrist." I warned.

"Get up." Mattheo commanded, annoyance etched into his voice as he spoke.

"No, I think I'll stay here." I replied, snarkily.

Silence engulfed the room after I'd spoken. The distant sound of waves crashing against the rocks filling the room as every single one of my senses went haywire. I couldn't hear Mattheo's footsteps as he crept to the end of the bed and harshly pulled the bedsheets from my body. His hand clamping around my ankle as he dragged me to the end of the bed. His dark eyes locking on my own as I blinked up at him in shock, a single dark eyebrow arched down at me as a pleased smirk spread across his face.

"Awake yet?" Mattheo asks, tilting his head to the side slightly as he looks down at me.

The oversized black t-shirt and pyjama shorts I wore suddenly didn't seem like enough clothing as Mattheo's sable eyes looked me up and down. Our position alone would have had someone arching an eyebrow-doubting everything we'd ever said and done to the other. With his hand now resting upon my thigh and the other pressed into the soft mattress beside me as he stood between my legs. The smirk across his face only grew as I continued to stare up at him in shock, trying to hopelessly form a coherent response.

I cleared my throat as I shook my head, hoping to rid my mind of the haze that had entrapped it. "I...uh-yes," I replied, blinking a few times as though to convince myself that I was awake.

Mattheo continued to watch me, his sable-brown eyes keeping me ensnared as silence filled the room again. His eyebrows furrowing as though he'd only just realised what he'd been doing. Those dark eyes locking on my own for a few short moments before he stepped away from the edge of the bed-away from me. The once content look that had filled his eyes was gone, replaced by that same cold, hard look that usually filled his eyes.

A mask that he used to hide his feelings behind. For the eyes are the window to the soul-a soul though darkened by his parent's abandonment was no less good than it was evil. Monsters were never born but created-created by the wrongdoings of those that had neglected to love them. The dark-haired man that stood before me was portrayed as the villain of every story, the bad guy or the sinner that would inevitably corrupt the saint.

A true wolf in sheep's clothing.

"Get dressed. We leave in ten minutes." Mattheo commands. His eyes churning with an inner turmoil as he strode from the room, leaving me sitting upon the edge of the bed with my thoughts to keep me company.


I strode into the lounge room several minutes later. Mattheo's brown eyes raking across my body as he rose from the couch he'd been sitting on. I was glad that I'd decided to keep my outfit simple as I noted Mattheo's white t-shirt and the dark-washed jeans that covered his muscular legs, his trademark boots already upon his feet. The simple light cream, long-sleeved shirt that I'd paired with a pair of dark grey tracksuit pants seemed sensible now-practical for whatever today would bring.

"Is there a problem, Riddle?" A dark eyebrow arching as I awaited his response.

Those sable eyes locked with my own as they filled with mild confusion, "Why would there be a problem?" Mattheo questioned.

"You're eyeing my clothes like you have a problem with them." I stated as though the answer was apparent to the both of us.

He chuckled, seemingly humorlessly as he came closer to me. Only stopping when he towered above me, forcing me to tilt my head up to hold his gaze. Those same dark eyes that had been filled with confusion were swirling with amusement-pure, genuine amusement. A stray strand of his dark, chocolate brown hair hung before his eyes. The stray lock faintly curling against his cheekbone as a soft almost hesitant smile spread across Mattheo's face.

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