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Birds chirping faintly flitted to my ears as sunlight crept in through the partially open blinds. Mattheo's fingers absentmindedly playing with the ends of my hair all the while he leant against the headboard of the bed-sable eyes focused solely on my hair that he twisted between his fingertips. The battles that raged outside the cabin momentarily forgotten as I laid encased within the warmth that Mattheo provided. Mattheo merely peered down at me, an easy-carefree smile upturning the corners of his mouth as his eyes filled with genuine happiness. Happiness so unlike that cold, brooding stare that had previously obscured the man within and effectively convinced the majority of the wizarding world that he was exactly like his father.

Those dark eyes told another story, however; the depths of which I hadn't even seen the beginnings of.

The same dark eyes that had watched me die at his own hands traced across my face, blatant bewilderment etched into those dark eyes as though marvelling at the fact that I didn't hate him. Whether it be some form of Stockholm Syndrome or the shared lifeline entombed within the scar across my collarbone, I didn't care. Our clothes remained scattered across the wooden floor of the cabin as I pushed myself up onto my elbows and positioned myself so that my back leant against Mattheo chest. The white cotton sheets haphazardly covering both of our naked bodies from the slight chill within the cabin.

I tilted my head back into Mattheo's shoulder, his muscular arms winding themselves around my waist as my voice disturbed the peaceful silence of the cabin. "We can't stay here anymore. Not now that Lucius knows where we are."

"I know." Mattheo murmurs, resting his head atop my own. "But where can we go? I've run out of hiding places that neither my father nor Lucius would know of."

Just as I opened my mouth to speak, Archimedes perched upon the window sill of the cabin. His high-pitched screech of satisfaction filling both of our ears from between the letter he clutched within his shiny black beak. His golden-yellow eyes following every move I made as I pulled the cotton sheet from my body, pulling Mattheo's discarded black t-shirt over myself as I walked over to the snowy owl.

Unlatching the locked window, I swung the window open just enough to offer my arm out towards Archimedes-his talons pressing into the skin of my arm as I pulled the window closed. I left Archimedes perched atop of the small wooden table beside the window as he eagerly released the letter from his beak. The white piece of parchment rough to the touch as I unfolded the single piece of paper.

Elysian, I hope Archimedes finds you in time for this letter to be useful and not a scrap of paper that arrived too late. We know that Lucius has sent Malcolm Alistair after you, intended to bring you back to Lucius by whatever means necessary. I have no idea if this will get to you in time but if it does, you and Mattheo need to run. And if it doesn't, I'm so sorry. If you made it out of Malcolm's grasp and are reading this, George has organised somewhere safe for the two of you to lay low for a few days or weeks. Rebus Hagrid is a long-time friend of Ronald Weasley and even with you being the daughter to Draco Malfoy, he's more than happy to let you two stay with him for however long you shall need. Memorise his location and then burn this letter. And Elysian, be careful. - Scorpius

I made sure to memorise the location that Scorpius had left me. Throwing the piece of parchment into the fire that crackled within the ornate fireplace. Mattheo's keen eyes watched the paper burn until nothing was left of it beside ashes.

Those sable eyes sliding to my own as his eyebrows furrowed slightly. "What'd the letter say?"

"Scorpius was warning us of the death eater that Lucius sent. Turns out his name was Malcolm Allister and that George managed to find us a place to lay low for however long we need to." I reply, running my fingers through my hair as I began to pace beside the foot of the king-sized bed.

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