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Elysian's POV:

I sighed in mild disappointment, stepping to the side so that Mattheo could walk past me. The sound of his boot-clad feet upon the hardwood floors echoing throughout the house as he walked through the lounge room and kitchen, his hand still pressed firmly against his side.

"You might want to close the door." He says, without looking over his shoulder.

"Afraid of me letting in bugs or something?" I mutter beneath my breath, closing the door as I turned back around to face him.

An unimpressed look plastered across his face as he stood at the beginning of the hallway, a single dark eyebrow arched as he leant against the wall. "I have protective wards around the house. The effects of which get cancelled out if the front door is open."

"That's why you were knocking on your door?" I state, chuckling as he nodded his head.

"C'mon." He says, inclining his head in the direction of his room.

I hesitantly took several steps closer to him, my eyebrows furrowing as I drew nearer, "What do you need me for?" I ask, confusion filling my eyes.

"I need your help to clean the cuts across my abdomen." Mattheo states, his voice sounding strained as he reluctantly admitted he needed my help.

I titled my head in amusement, a soft smile spreading across my face. "The Mattheo Riddle, needs my help?"

Mattheo scoffed in annoyance as he pushed himself off of the hallway wall, his broad back disappearing down the hallway as I trailed along behind him with an amused smile plastered across my face. Archimedes sat perched upon the armrest of one of the black leather chairs when I entered the room, Mattheo's dark brown eyes already trained on me as I met his stare.

"How did that get here?" He asks, gesturing towards the black flecked bird.

"That is my owl, Archimedes, and I don't know how he got here. One minute I was reading and the next, he was tapping upon the window," I explain calmly.

"And, it didn't occur to you to leave it outside?" He prompts.

I shrugged my shoulders as I walked over to the snowy owl, Archimedes emitting happy clicking sounds from his throat as he gently nibbled my fingers. A soft chuckle slipping past my lips as his smooth beak tickled the inside of my palm, his golden-yellow eyes locking on the silver serpent ring upon my fingers. I turned away from the white owl as my eyes trailed over the assortment of injuries across Mattheo's face.

"Sit down." I order firmly, gesturing to the wooden table between the two couches.

Mattheo arched a single dark eyebrow. "Ordering me around now?" He teases amusedly as he walks towards the wooden table and sits upon the edge of it, removing his wand from the back pocket of his jeans.

I merely shook my head. "I think my ordering you around should be the least of your concerns. You're bleeding from cuts across your abdomen right now."

Mattheo shrugged his shoulders dismissively, wincing slightly as the movement shot burning hot pain through the gashes across his chest, "I've been through worse," He states coolly.

"Accio, rubbing alcohol," I paused as a bottle of vodka flew into my outstretched hand, eyebrow arching questioningly as I lifted my eyes from the bottle of Smirnoff vodka and met Mattheo's amused gaze, "Accio, gauze."

I watched as a small container filled with gauze flew out of the bathroom door and into Mattheo's blood-coated hand, his face contouring into a look of pain as he quickly placed the container upon the table. I placed my wand upon the wooden table as I stood in front of Mattheo, the bottle of vodka clutched within my hand as I sat upon the edge of the black leather couch. His sable brown eyes burning into the side of my face while I unscrewed the lid of the vodka. Lifting my gaze from the open bottle of vodka in my hand as I pulled the soft skin of my bottom lip between my teeth nervously-the proximity between the two of us registering within my mind.

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