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I merely sat within the plush black armchair of the library and stared at Scorpius, the truth behind what he'd said sinking in. Harry Potter couldn't have been the last Horcrux if Voldermort had returned, and it was beginning to look that way with our father's burning mark, "Where did dad go?" I asked.

Scorpius turned his head towards the doorway of the library, the sound of footsteps walking down the hallway towards us had my head turning towards the doorway. As if I'd summoned him, our father walked into the library with a familiar brown-haired woman, "Hermione?"

"Yes?" She replied, turning her chocolate brown eyes towards my own grey eyes.

My gaze darted over towards where Scorpius sat, his blonde eyebrows furrowed in thought as he observed every little detail that was given to him, "What are you doing here?" I ask as my gaze returned to the brown-haired witch.

I watched as she glanced over towards where our father stood, arms crossed against his chest, a single curt nod from him was the only confirmation she needed before she turned back to me and spoke, "Your father asked me to come here, I just finished placing several protective charms around the house."

"How long will they last?"

She sighed as if disappointed in her skills, "A day or two, I've only spelled them to work for two days at the most."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, "Those charms can last months, why are these any different?"

Her brown eyes met mine, a slight grimace appearing on her face, "Because you'll be leaving tonight, the charms will serve as a distraction and an inconvenience for Voldermort if he decides to come straight here," She explained.

I hummed in acknowledgement as I tried to think of what I'd need to survive running from Voldermort, rubbing my face in frustration when I couldn't think of a single way to take everything I did need with me, the sheer amount not even remotely possible to pack into one backpack, "Where are we going from here?" Scorpius uttered, the familiar protective tone directed towards our father.

Our father's grey eyes seemed to darken as he met Scorpius's stare, his jaw clenched in aggravation as he ground out his response, lip curling in disgust, "The Malfoy Manor."

I leaned forward in the armchair, my grey eyes studying our father's tense form as he and Scorpius continued to have their staredown, "How can I take everything I'll need with me?" I asked, turning to face Hermione and ignoring the two blondes staredown.

She smiled softly at me, her eyes filling with pride as she pulled out a small, purple, beaded handbag, "It doesn't look like much but I placed an undetectable extension charm upon it years ago, everything you need is already within it," She explained, taking several steps closer to me as she extended the bag towards me.

Hesitantly, I reached out and grabbed ahold of the small bag, gratitude filling my eyes.

"Elysian," She paused as she briefly glanced towards Scorpius and my father, "From here on out, don't trust anyone or anything. Always be on your guard because that might be the only thing that will keep you alive, too many people will do terrible things to get back in Voldermort's good graces again."

I nodded my head, understanding what she was warning me, "I will," I promised.

Hermione merely sent me a single reassuring smile before she turned and walked back towards the doorway she'd come through, the plain grey t-shirt and jeans she wore a stark difference from what she normally wore. I watched as she stopped just outside of the library, turning back towards where I sat, her brown eyes meeting my own, "You'll get through this Elysian, and no matter where you are, I'll always be there to help you. Every step of the way," And with that, she turned back around and disappeared out of sight.

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