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My eyes trailed across the floor to ceiling bookshelves that encased the wall of the house's library. Water pelted the large bay window as the storm outside continued to rage on. Thunder rumbled above, lightning darting across the sky as it searched for a means to get to the earth. The crystal chandelier that hung from the ceiling added extra light to the otherwise dark room. Someone had pushed together the few wooden tables that'd been tucked into the corners of the room to create one large table.

Spread across the wooden surface were various books, scrolls, articles from the Daily Prophet and maps-all of which, George, Ron, Harry, Mattheo, my father and Hermione had been mulling over for the past hours. Archimedes hadn't left my side since I'd carried him down the stairs and into the large room, staying perched beside me on the armrest of one of the black leather chairs. Sleep had been fitful since I'd found the book with the Deathly Hallows etched into the cover. My mind racing over the grotesque nature of what I needed to do as I tossed and turned.

The fire crackled within the fireplace; snapping and popping as the flames consumed the logs within. I'd opted for two things today-comfort and style. The denim, high-waisted, ripped jeans and light grey crop top paired with one of Mattheo's light blue dress shirts seemed out of place, but as I sat in the library and noted what the others were wearing. It no longer seemed out of place or too dressed up.

Mattheo stood talking to George. The white dress shirt he wore rolled up to his elbows whilst the black material of his slacks clung to his legs. Much like Mattheo, George wore a mossy green dress shirt with black slacks; the green shirt complimenting his fiery red hair in ways that I'm not sure any other colour could have. As I watched the two converse, I realised that they weren't talking civilly with the other but instead were arguing about how they could destroy Voldemort's unaccounted for Horcruxes.

"All I'm saying is that we should be hunting down the last of your father's Horcruxes and destroy them." George stated, trying to suppress the anger that simmered beneath his skin.

Mattheo looked him up and down mockingly. "And how will that work, exactly? Harry doesn't have a piece of my father's soul within him anymore, therefore, your 'Horcrux hunting' would take years to complete."

"Like calls to like, so if we can find one Horcrux we can use it to find the others." George uttered, grasping onto anything that could work but knowing full-well that it wouldn't change a thing.

Mattheo hummed in acknowledgement, eyeing the redhead carefully as though he wasn't sure what to say next. "I know you want revenge as badly as Lysia does. But we both know that wouldn't work. You'd be causing more harm than good while you hunted around for Horcruxes that might not even exist."

A smile tugged at the edges of my lips as I watched George begrudgingly nod his head in agreement, a look akin to pride glinting within his eyes as he studied Mattheo carefully. A smile growing across his face as he shook his head in happy disbelief.

"I told you, didn't I?" George questioned, a somewhat smug look filling his eyes.

Mattheo, seeming to already know what he was talking about, shaking his head with an amused grin across his face. "I'm still a long way away from being a dutiful citizen, don't get too excited." He warned as George lifted his hands in mock surrender.

I turned my attention away from the rest of Mattheo's and George's conversation. Instead turning my attention towards my father, Ron and Harry-who, to nobody's surprise, were arguing about what the next step of action would be. Neither of them was seeing eye to eye on what the other suggested, hence why they continued to bicker amongst themselves.

"Oh yes, and I'm sure that worked well for you the first time. Didn't it, Potter? " My father snapped, rolling his black dress shirt up to his elbows in frustration.

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