Chpt 4

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The Night of the Closing Ceremony: Humanity's Comeback Part 2


Luna's PoV

It's been 4 years since Wall Maria fell to the titans and ever since then, I've been training to get stronger with the help of Annie. In the two years I've known her, she has always been there. When I was struggling and her training helped me take my mind off of things.

For the passed few weeks we've been training non stop since we joined the scouts. As of this moment, we were running in the rain, carrying heavy equipment on our backs, our instructor screaming at us to pick up the pace.

As I ran beside Annie, panting roughly, I looked back to see Reiner helping Armin by carrying his luggage.

Come on Armin, we're being graded..

Armin looked at me and took his luggage from Reiner and quickly caught up to everyone else.

"Go Armin!!" I shouted, laughing right after.

The instructor looked at me as though I was crazy but carried on his horse.


I zipped through the trees at an incredible amount of speed, flying pass Aaron and Jean, heading towards my target. I grip onto my blade handles tightly, spinning around and cutting through the nape of the wooden titan.

"How dare you take my titan!" Aaron and Jean screamed. Both hot headed and easy to trigger, I love it.

"Hey watch it!" I looked up to see Reiner ahead of me. If I don't move we'll crash into each other.

I quickly sheathed my bladed and grabbed onto him tightly, wrapping my legs around his torso and burying my face in the crook of his neck. He was still moving but we soon came to a stop and once he stood on a branch of a tree he spoke.

"That was close. Good thing you reacted fast or we'd both be fucked." He said as I climbed off of him. He had a faint blush across his face and I didn't know why.

"Sorry, I was too busy making my brothers life a living hell." I laughed as I winked before zooming off, going back to my training. I looked back to see him still watching me.


I stared at Annie who stood across from me in a fighting position. I remember the times we'd fight two years ago. She'd teach me her combat skills and in return I was her friend, someone she could trust.

It was always us alone together doing hand to hand combat and I developed some moves of my own too.

I was suddenly struck in the face by Annie, causing me to fall onto my back. Everyone had stopped what they were doing when they saw us.

"Ouch.. that hurt." I mumbled as I rubbed where she punched me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to-"

I swiped my leg under her, watching her fall onto her back. I quickly crawled up onto her, putting my fingers to her throat as if it was a blade.

"That was unexpected.." she mumbled, laughing slightly and I laughed with her as I helped her up.

"Let's switch." Eren said as he walked over to us followed by Reiner.

Eren and Annie went against each other and I went with Reiner.

"Alright, I won't take it easy-" I grabbed Reiner by his chest belt and flipped him over me, slamming him into the ground. He groaned slightly as I sat on his chest, looking at him from between my legs.

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