chpt 14

872 29 2



Luna's PoV

There was explosions being heard from inside of the forest which caught everyone's attention. This was more louder than the one we heard earlier and this time it was multiple. When it stopped, it started again.

"Should we-"

"Stay where you are." One of the soldiers said and I stood still, staring into the forest.

"They wanted to lure that female titan here." Jean said to Armin and my eyes widened in fair as I looked down at the blades in my grip. ".. Commander Erwin wants to know..who's the one in the Titan? If he's going to such extent to figure out who it is.."

"Luna, you're mumbling.." Reiner said and I shook my head before looking up at him but before I could say anything else there was a loud screech coming from the forest. My body stiffened to the sound, my hands quickly grip onto my head as I fell to my knees, screaming as well.

"Luna!" Reiner, Armin and Jean all screamed together in sync. As the screaming continue, so did mines. "My on fire!" I yelled as I felt the hot tears running down my cheeks.

"W-why is she crying blood..?" I heard Armin said worryingly. I lost conscious soon after.


Armin's PoV

"What the hell?!" Reiner shouted as he held Luna's unconscious body in his hands. The titans that were below us ran into the forest which was the least of our worries now that Luna hand blood coming from her eyes and ears. Was it the screech?

She looked as though she was in pain just from hearing that sound.

"She's breathing!" Reiner shouted as he held her up slightly. The titans below we're all gone into the forest at full speed, not paying any attention to us. I looked at the other scout members in the trees. They looked at Luna in suspicion,  possibly wondering why she was the only one here that has a reaction to the screech we just heard. 

If anything, we just need to get to the commander before any of them do, or it won't end well for her.


"No way,  so what you're saying is that Luna has titan abilities like I do? That's great! We'll have 2 titans fighting against other titans!" Eren said once I was done explaining to him what had happened. 

I had already spoken to commander Erwin and Hange about it. Thankfully, they didn't tie Luna with the female titan since she was with us the entire time but now she was under Captain Levi's supervision  like Eren.  

"She hasn't woken up since..." Reiner said. If anything,  he's been depressed about it since yesterday. "I hope she wakes up to be alright.." Krysta said.

"Come on, its Luna we're talking about, she's strong, she'll come around." Ymir spoke as she walked away, arm over Krysta's shoulder. 

Last Night

"Please, Whatever you do commander Erwin, we cannot let Luna in on our plans for capturing Annie. Luna and Annie are extremely close with one another. With her now discovering that she has this titan ability, she would definitely not hesitate to save Annie-"

"Do you hear yourself, Armin? Annie is our comrade! Don't you think we should help her to understand?! If Luna.. maybe Luna can help us talk to Annie, if anything goes wrong, Luna should be able to calm Annie down and get her out of her titan form. That's if she really is the female titan." Eren shouted.

"Both of your ideas are brilliant but we cannot take any chances sadly. We'll keep Luna out of the way for now atleast. If what you're saying is true, Eren. Luna can maybe calm Annie down if she transforms, we'll go with your plan after." Commander Erwin said, rising from his seat.

"There's one more thing, commander." I said.

He turned his full attention to me, waiting to hear what I had to say. "Luna might already know who the female titan is." I said.

He was silent for a few seconds before turning to Captain Levi. "She's your responsibility if she transform. Capture Luna if she gets out of control, chain her if you have to, we cannot risk this mission. " He said before leaving the room.

"Luna's never transformed before so how do we truly know she's a titan? Maybe she just has an ability or something .." Eren mumbled.

"I don't know Eren but.. we'll just have to wait and find out."


Luna's PoV

I gasped slightly as I sat up, looking around to see I was in a room unlike the cabins. I held my head slightly, groaning. "God.. I feel shitty.." I mumbled.

"You're finally awake.."

I looked down to see that Reiner was resting his head on my lap. At first I almost smacked him off but stopped when I noticed it was him. He slowly sat up and I smiled. "Did we complete our mission?" I asked and he shook his head.

"We came back empty handed really,  so much had happened. The female titan had Eren but we managed to get him back. With the help of Mikasa, Captain Levi and Aaron. On the other note, Commander Erwin knows about you now, but no harm will come to you. Sadly you're going to be under Captain Levi's supervision there's not much we can do there."

I let out a sigh in relief and looked at Reiner.

"Listen to me.. you're the only one I trust with this information.. but I think Annie.. Annie is the female titan." I said and he looked at me with wide eyes. "What? Why would you think that?" He asked, leaning forward.

"Come on Reiner! I've been friends with her ever since before joining the scouts! The eyes.. the hair.. " I looked up at him worryingly.

"The fact that she called out to me with the screech.."

His eyes widened even more in shock that I told him that what I heard was Annie. "She.. called out to you?"

"I think so? It's all such a blur but when I heard the screech coming from the forest, my mind blanked out and all I could see was her.. and then I was seeing everything through her eyes.. before I knew it, I was being eaten alive by the titans she called upon.. and now I've woken up here.." I mumbled.

He placed a hand on the side of my cheek, staring into my eyes. "If the female titan really is Annie, what are you going to do?" He asked.

"I can't do anything.. I want to help her though. I want answers! I want to know why is she doing all of this, whats her goal here. I don't want her to be harmed, locked up or tortured. She's obviously doing all of this for a reason right?!" I asked.

Before he could respond, Aaron barged in as usual. "Don't you know how to knock?" Reiner asked. "You've been in here for over 3 hours. Get out." He said.

"Seriously, Aaron? That's your first concern? I'm fine thanks for asking." I said and he scuffed. Reiner patted my head slightly before walking out.

"So.. a titan huh? Why is it that you always get everything?" He asked. "You're mad that I have titan abilities that I never knew about?!"

"Yes. Obviously you're useless with it. Let alone I should've gotten that power, so I can help Eren." I paused for a moment before looking at him.

"Eren this, Eren that. Seriously you're starting to sound alot like Mikasa- wait.." I tilted my head to the side before smirking. "You're totally crushing on Eren aren't you?" I asked.

"What? What does that even mean?! I just feel responsible for the idiot." He said, cheeks slightly red.

"Anyways, I don't know how I obtained this power and I don't know how to use it either. Frankly I don't want to use it.." I said. "That's why I said you're useless with it." He said, walking out.

"What an idiot.."


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