Reiner Braun Fanfiction
This story follows the AoT Plot from season 1 to Season 3. There will be a season 4 once this book is completed.
I hope you enjoy this little fanfiction my Reiner lovers out there.
I will work hard to make this story the best...
Some of you might be confused on what abilities the Knight Titan has so this chapter is dedicated to the Titan and its holder.
The Knight Titan is another Female titan but can chnage its body gender depending on the holders gender. Male or Female.
First time seers of the Knight titan would often call it the bladed titan because it had Hardened skin on the forearms in the shape of a blade that. (Like Erens Hardening Abilities)
This titan has horns at the top of its head, almost giving it a crown kind of look which tells others that the holder of this titan is of royal blood.
If someone of none royal blood were to inherit this titan they'd only have 3 years to live. This titan is for royal blood only.
The holder of this titan if royal, lives on forever until the titan is passed onto their children.
The titan has its flaws of course. if the holder has this Titan for too long, they begin to lose their minds. Bipolar disorder, Psychopthic behaviers, Depression, Memory loss and the list goes on. Holder has 12 years before hitting any of these conditions. Signs start years before.
Moving on to more abilities. The Knight Titan is connected to emotions and only emotions. Theres no need for the host to harm themselves in anyway possible. Rage would be one way to transform when the holder has no control over it but once the holder has control over it, they can transform on command.
Lastly, the holderof the knight titan can hear other shifters thoughhts whenever they're in titan form.
Hear is an image Of Luna's Knight Titan. I drew it myself and im quite proud of it! Enjoy!
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