Chpt 18

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Luna's POV

I had spotted an old castle up ahead under the moon light and quickly rode my way over to it on my horse and I was relieved when I saw other horses tied and resting.

"Reiner??" I called out loudly. There wasn't any titans near by so I took the chance to try and get anyone's attention in the mean time.

"Anyone?!" I called again.

The door to the castle opened and Reiner followed by Bertholdt walked out. "You're okay!" I ran up to him and we both hugged each other tightly.

"W-what are you doing here?" Bertholdt asked.

"I asked to ride ahead.. at first I wasn't allowed to but then Commander Erwin said to find you all! I'm so glad that I did.. I was so worried." I said, starting to cry.

"Why are you crying?" Reiner asked, releasing me.

I stayed quiet, not ready to bring up Annie.

"Let's get inside, you must be cold. From riding here the entire night.." he said.

I tied my horse with the others and made my way inside with the two. To my surprise, Ymir, Krista, Connie and a few others from the scouts were in there as well.

"Luna?!" Krista called out, running up to me. "What brings you here?" Ymir asked and I smiled sightly. "I was sent ahead to find you. It's good to see you're all okay." I said.

"Section commander Hange and the rest of the scouts should be headed here and should be here by Dawn! It's dark out so I doubt they'd see my flare if I set it off right away so I'll wait for dawn to breach.

"I can't believe you rode here alone.." Reiner said. "It's night and the titans aren't going to move at this time so it was safe. Kinda." I smiled as I walked over to him.

"Come with me.." he said in a whisper. I followed behind him, off into another area in the castle.

"This place has been abandoned for years could you believe that?" He asked and I looked at him slightly confused. "I bet it was once very beautiful.. would you live in a place like this?" he asked, turning to face me.

"Reiner what are you thinking?" I asked and he smiled at me gently. "There's something I need to tell you.." he started. "Reiner.." he walked forward, moving his hand up, caressing my cheek slightly.

"I might not have enough time left with you and I want to spend the rest of the time I do have with only you.." he whispered.

"What are you saying Reiner..?" I asked.

He slid his right hand down to my hip, pulling me to him gently before pressing his lips against mines lightly. My heart thumped at the passionate kiss he sent my way. I eased into him, kissing him back.

As we kiss, he slowly began to remove my harness, unbuckling every belt there was on my body. He pulled away from the kiss, unbuttoning my blouse and opening it up, revealing my breasts covered with a brassiere.

"R-Reiner.. do you know what you're doing?" I asked. He nodded slowly, picking me up and resting me on to the floor on a surprisingly soft carpet.

As he slid my pants off, he took his off as well. I looked away blushing in embarrassment as he hovered over me, spreading my legs.


"It's okay..." He assured as he slid himself into me slowly. As I stared up at him, I tried to hide that I was feeling a lot of pain in my lower region. I gripped on to his arm tightly as he pushed further in. I wanted to cry out but I was afraid to. I wasn't sure if it was right or wrong too. I don't know!

"Reiner.. it hurts.." I whispered as tears slowly fall from the side of face.

He wiped away my tears as he was now all the way in. He rubbed my thighs gently to help and calm me down as he began thrusting into me. At first it felt uncomfortable and was painful but as he kept going at a slow pace, I started to enjoy it.

Everytime he thrust into me, a sound would escape my lips. I felt good and it made me want more. The entire time of me laying there, he was gentle with me and he'd give me small kisses along my jaw and neck.

He began to thrust faster and my moans became louder. I quickly covered my mouth, blushing deeply as he thrust into me.

"Reiner I-" before I could finish, he pulled out, a white substance dripping from his member. I looked at him panting and he was panting as well.

I closed my legs, slowly sitting up, ignoring the aroused feeling I felt. My legs were trembling and he noticed as well. He moved closer to me, placing a gentle kiss on my lips and I kissed him back.

"I love you..." I said in a whisper once I pulled away. He stared at me before, moving a strand of hair behind my ear. He wrapped his arms around me tightly, brushing his lips against my ear. "I love you too.."

I felt an electric wave flow through me at his touch, but I ignored the feeling and cuddled up to him.

Before I knew it, we had soon went for a round two.


"Well well well, if it isn't Luna and Reiner." Ymir said as the both of us walked out of the room. We went for an hour in there at least.

As I looked at everyone here, they all held a slight blush on their faces. "Is everyone okay?" I asked  as I took a seat next to Connie and Reiner sat closely next to me.

"This place is pretty hollow yuh know..we heard you Luna and oh my you sounded like you were having fun!" Ymir said, laughing.

I covered my face, feeling it heat up in embarrassment. "Oh my goodness! Please don't speak of this!" I whined.

Reiner placed his arm over my shoulder and smirked. "Don't rile her up you guys." He said, pulling me closer to him.

"At least you lost your virginity before any of our sorry asses." Ymir said, shrugging. I blushed looking away.

I started to think on when Reiner said he wanted to tell me something and I was curious to know what it could've been that he wanted to say.


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