Chpt 17

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Season 2

Hours before the female Titan Discovery
South of wall Sina


Reiner's PoV

"Ugh! I'm gonna die of boredom just being here!" Sasha screeched.

"Keep it down.." I mumbled as I moved a chest piece on the board. I watched and waited for Bertholdt to make a move.

"Why'd you think we're out here? Just sitting ducks at this point. I'm worried about Luna.." I mumbled. "Luna, huh? She's a keeper. I can't believe you actually managed to take her." Bertholdt said as he finally moved his chess piece.

"I had to act fast or Jean would've taken her." I simply said, hearing Connie laugh afterwards. "Jean? Getting Luna? That was never gonna happen and now that you two are together, it's definitely not gonna happen." Connie said.

"Cut Jean some slack, I'm sure he can get whichever lady he wants, just not Luna." Sasha commented, covering her mouth holding back her laugh.

"They should've asked you to look after her during whatever mission they're up to right now but they put Jean up to it instead." Connie said. "I'm trying not to think much about it. He just better not try and mess things up." I said.

"Also Connie, I'll help you if you really want to go to your home town." I said.

"Yeah? Why would you?" He asked. "Doesn't this feel a bit strange? We're on standby in our plane clothes, they won't let us wear our uniforms. Can't even train." I said, rising from my seat as I walked over to the window.

"What's even more suspicious, our superiors are armed to the teeth. We're inside the walls, not the front line. So, who exactly are we fighting?" I turned around, looking at their bored expressions.

"I don't know man. Maybe they're just worried about bears." Connie said. "Sure.. bears." Sasha said.

"All you need for bears are guns." I sat back down, crossing my arms in thought.

I looked over at Sasha who placed her head down on the table. I'm surrounded by morons..

She then suddenly sat up quickly in shock, alerting all of us. "U-um guys?! I think I'm hearing footsteps!"

"Knock it off Sasha, so what? You're trying to tell us titans are here? Come on that'll only be possible if wall rose had fallen." I asked.

"Look I'm not pulling your leg! I hear something!" She said in a panic.

Soon after a scout member flew to the window we sat next to. She opened the window, looking at all of us. "Is everyone here?" She asked.

"We've got company. Approximately 500 meters to south in closing. Titans are headed this way." She said. "There's no time to suit up with your ODM gear, I want everyone on a horse, stat!" She said.

"Shit..." I mumbled.


Luna's PoV

"So you've decided to stay and work along side the survey corps, hm?" Hange said as she walked up to me. "I can't give up. I'm only fighting for my freedom and to get Annie back, besides I don't have much of a choice." I turned to look at her.

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