Chpt 15

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Best Friends

Luna's PoV

As I walked out of the hospital all healed up, I noticed Armin standing outside alone. Was he waiting for someone? I decided to quickly make my way over to him.

"Armin..?" I started.

He looked over at me, terror in his eyes which stopped me from touching his shoulder. "Are you okay?" I asked. "I'm so sorry.." he started.

"What do you mean-" I suddenly felt something wrapped around my wrist. I turned around, looking over to see a scouts member trying to cuff me. I immediately swung my leg, kicking them from the side of the head, into the ground, knocking them unconscious.

"WHATS THE MEANING OF THIS ARMIN?!" I screamed. "Luna, listen to me! They know who the female titan is. We cannot risk you getting in the way.." He said, looking at me.

"You can't do this to me Armin.. you can't do this to her.." I said saddened. "We just want to speak with her but if she transforms and attack us-"

"You know she'll attack no matter what you do! I don't care what you think, she's a good person!" I yelled, running towards Armin.

Before I could grab him by the collar, I was pinned down to the ground by non other than Captain Levi himself. "Get off of me! I won't let you hurt her!" I screamed as I struggled.

"We weren't going to tell you.. until we capture her but I couldn't leave you in the dark, even if it was my idea. We're gonna need your help. I know you want to see Annie unharmed so please.. work with us here." Armin said as I was picked up and hand cuffed.

"You said I wouldn't be restraint.." I said, panic in my tone.

"It's for your own safety and so ours aswell." Commander Erwin said as he walked towards us.

He towered over me, staring into my eyes. He was determined to know a lot I could tell. Quite intimidating as well for a guy with such a hairstyle.



I stared in shock at the scene that had unfolded in front of me. I was right, Armin was right. Annie was indeed the female titan and I had wish she wasn't.

My heart pounded in my chest as I watched Annie stomp her way to get to Eren.

"We can't just stand here and do nothing!" I shouted, looking over at a scout member. "This is where you come in. Stop her from rampaging." He said, looking over at me.

He's right. If anything, Annie would listen to me but what if her feelings towards me were all an act? The moment she sees me, I'll be swatted like a fly.

"No need to be over thinking things right now. If you're as close as everyone says, your face alone should stop her." He smacked the odm gear on my hips and moved away. "Off you go." I nodded and zoomed off towards Annie quickly.

"Annie!" I shouted.

When I noticed Mikasa had managed to cut Annie's fingers off I felt the rage inside me but had to stay focus.

"Annie!" I shouted again. As she turned around about to swat me like a fly, her hand dropped quickly, missing me completely and swinging into a building.

"Sorry about this.." I said, attaching my wiring to her head to support me as I landed on her nose. "Annie, stop this please! What do you think you're doing?!" I asked.

She moved her hand up to the back of her neck, covering her nape as she stared at me.

"I need answers Annie! Come out here! Face me! How dare you not tell me about this, were supposed to be best friends! I tell you all my secrets and you tell me yours! This.. this is over the top!" I said, kicking her nose in anger.

I stopped and looked into her eye. "I won't let them hurt you.. but please just come out and talk to me! There's so much I want to know.. I found out a couple of days ago that I had titan abilities, like Eren. Maybe you could teach me right? We could go back to the old days where you taught me how to fight, Annie-"

"I love you Annie.. you know I do!"

She suddenly opened her mouth and let out a loud screech like before. I quickly covered my ears from the sound.


Annie's PoV

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! You idiot! Look around you.. I won't make it out of here alive if I show myself.. I know you know this. I knew they'd use you to get to me.. why you out of all people!"

I watched as she stomped my nose in anger.

"You're the best thing that happened to me ever since I got on this island. You were always there for me.. but I'm sorry, I have a job to do, for my people." I could feel the tears coming and I didn't want to cry.

"I love you, Annie.. you know I do!" She screamed.

My eyes widened at her sudden comment. If I removed myself from the nape of this titan form, I'll be instantly cut away. All I can do right now, is scream to you Luna.

My feelings towards you were always true. They were never fake! You gave me warmth. I want to continue being friends with you. I want to always be around even if Reiner takes you all to himself. You were always a sister to me and I'll never forget that.

"No matter what.." She started.

I looked at her, seeing her shaking and covering her ears.

"I'll always have your back!" She screamed.

You idiot! I'll do it! I'll come back..

Just as I was going to emerge from the nape of my Titan, a bright light stopped me from doing so, lightning crashing down into the earth. Eren.

As I heard loud footsteps approaching us I quickly grabbed onto Luna. "I'm sorry.."

I grabbed her small body in my hands and threw her away gently aside as a fist collided with my face, knocking me over on to a chapel.


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