Chpt 31

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Reiner's pov

I was seated by a campfire, staring at the flames dancing in front of me. Luna was asleep, her head on my lap resting. She was exhausted from staying up so long during our journey and we still had a while before we get to the port but decided to take a break.

Pieck lied behind Zeke in her titan form, staring at Luna the entire time so I finally decided to speak up on it. "If you have something to say, say it Pieck." I said and she turned her head slightly.

"Im just thinking thats all.." She said. "About what?"

"Will the Marleyans accept her? Wouldnt they cast her also as a devil? I mean she is from Paradis.." She said, turning her gaze away for a split second.

"All she's ever done was be there for Annie, Berthodlt and me. Devil or not, shes our hero." I said, rubbing Luna's head slightly.

"Being of royal blood won't make it any easier either.." She said. "How'd you know-"

"The hair.. As white as the moon. You can't miss it. She's Dana's daughter.." She mumbled looking away.

"People know of Dana?" I asked and Pieck nodded.

"She's been written about in the books back in Marley, haven't you read any?" Zeke asked.

"I never had time too.. I was always busy training and ready the books they gave us.." I responded.

"Well you can get yourselves one of those books when we arrive. So, what are you going to name the baby? I heard the two of you arguing it out earlier." Pieck said.

"She wants to name the baby Berthodlt if its a boy.. Annie for a girl.. I'd prefer it being their middle names.. I recommened Krystal for a girl and she slapped me." I said chuckling.

"Are you even ready to be a father? Thats a lot of responsibility especially since you're still a warrior, a kid and your work isnt don't yet." Zeke said.

"I know.. I'll try my best to be there for them, better than my dad was for me.." I mumbled.

"If you ever need help with anything let me know." She said, turning her head away.

Luna suddenly sat up, stretching with a yawn before looking over at me. "She's awake, we should get going now." Zeke spoke.

"You were waiting for me? Im sorry.. I didn't know you'd stop.. I wouldn't have slept.."

As I watch her got up from where she sat, I couldnt help but admire her change. She was so uplifting, strong and brave when we first met and during our scouting times. Now she's so kind, gentle but still strong and brave.. I loved it. I love her..

"Reiner?" She called out and I looked at her seeing that she was waiting along with Zeke and Pieck. "Oh!" I quickly got up, running up to her. "What were you thinking about?" She asked as I helped her up onto the Cart titan.

"You.." I said as she pulled me up next to her. I could see her cheeks turning a slight shade of pink.


Luna's pov

Upon arriving a familiar place, I noticed it to be the same place where my mother last spoke to the man she loved. Where it all really began for us.

As we came up on a hill, I was surprised at the view in front of me. Blue water everywhere, glistening from the sun shinning down on it.

"The ocean.." I mumbled, staring out at the beautiful sight.

I quickly climbed down from Pieck and ran down to the water. "Hold on, be careful!" Reiner said, following after me.

"Its real! Its truly real! Armin, you were right! Your book-" I turned around but pause when Armin wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"Armin?" I called out.

I was suddenly engulfed into a big hug by Reiner. My sad expression was over powered with happiness and I smiled, gripping onto him.

I looked up at him, seeing the serious expression on his face but he soon smiled it off.

"take your shoes off.." He said and I quickly took my shoes off, feeling the warm sand cover them. "It's warm and tickly!" I giggled, running towards the water.

Once I felt the water touch my legs, I shivered slightly. "That's cold, but I like it!"

"We've got no time to waste. Let's get going." Zeke said and I looked over, noticing the large cart that stayed a float on the water. It reminded me of the one my father destroyed in his titan form.

"Whats that?" I asked as we walked towards it. "Thats what we call a ship. You'll be seeing alot of those once we get to Marley." A dark haired girl said, walking by in crutches.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"That's Pieck." Zeke said.  "WOAHHH.. so pretty.." I smiled following close by her.

Zeke's POV

As Luna walked onto the ship with Pieck, I looked at Reiner who didnt take his eyes off of her for a second. "She's going to be okay in Marley, I can assure you." I said as we walked onto the ship.

"I dont want them to force her to bare more children.. It should be her choice. We cant let them know that she's of royal blood." He looked at me, worried.

"Im sorry to say this but, with her hair, she's instantly recognisable- I dont think we should hide the fact that she has royal blood. More benefits on your end to be honest. She already has a house waiting for her at most. Her mother was prepared for this. I promise she'll be okay you have my word." I said, walking away.

Back then before I never saw Aunt Dana again, she told me once I've met her children, to look out for them. I thought that day would've never come but when I saw the familiar white hair, I knew what I had to do.

She was more of a mother to me than my own mother was and I honestly wish I had gotten to say goodbye to her before she left. All I had now was her daughter to remind me of her and I'll always be there for her until she doesn't need me anymore.

Until Eren arrives.


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