Day 1.

141 5 2

"it's a girl." Somebody said.

I was frozen, I didn't move, I didn't want to move. I was frightened. Terrified. Scared.

then realisation hit me.

Somebody was there.

then I heard more voices.

"I call dibs"

"wait seriously?"

"no joke?"

"SLIM IT." somebody yelled.

I guessed they where some sort of leader or something because everybody shut up almost instantly.

I couldn't lay here forever hopelessly. I moved my arm slowly over my head to block the sunlight.

I opened my eyes slowly.

2 boys stood Infront of me, one blonde boy and one dark boy. I slowly backed into the corner of the room.

"Uhm. Well Hi greenie. I'm newt and that's alby." said the blonde boy.

"where am i?" I said as my breathing increased.

there had to be at least 50 boys there. I couldn't see any girls in site.. maybe there where some but not here?

and what the hell was a greenie? a gardener maybe?


they were calling me a gardener?

"you're in the glade." the dark boy said.

"why can't I remember anything? who are you all? who put me here?" I said as questions over-whelmed me.

"woah calm down there greenie with the questions. Lets get you out of the box first." Newt said.

I was wrong about the room thing then, it was a box.

the boys helped me out of the box.

"everybody back to your jobs. We'll sort the greenie out." Alby said.

I looked around and there where tall walls surrounding us with ivy attached to it, i still couldn't see any girls..

"now answer my questions." I said.

"woah okay, feisty one you are. we all have had our memories wiped, your not the only one. We don't know exactly who put us all here but all we know are they are the creators of this place. And we are known as they gladers. It's all boys but of course, your the only girl." Newt said.

it was too much to take in.

"your name should come back to you in a couple of days." Alby said.

"Ellie." I said.

"Huh?" They both said looking at each other.

"Ellie. My name is Ellie."

"that was bloody quick." Newt said

"Newt, go get Chuck. Chuck can show her around."

Newt looked up and then ran of to go find the boy "chuck".

"you'll like Chuck, he's the youngest in the glade" Alby said.

"Wait, how old are you all? wait a second, how old am I?" I said.

"we are from the age 13-17 but, we're only really either 13,15,16 or 17. And you look around 16."

"16. Hm okay."

I continued to look around.

"ah Chuck, can you show the greenie around please?" Alby said.

"yeah, sure."

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