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"ELLIE?" Chuck screamed.


I opened my eyes, I couldn't have been passed out for that long as I was still outside, probably like 5 minutes or so.

"thank god. I thought you died on me for a second." Chuck said.

"Chuck, I need Thomas NOW." I said.

"huh. Wait why?"

"just go get him."

Took him about 5 minutes to find him but he finally did.

"took you long enough" I said.

"Sorry, couldn't find him." He said with Thomas, Newt and Minho following behind him.

"why the shuck are you on the floor?" Minho said.

"well Minho, it's comfy down here so I thought I'd just lay down here." I said.

"she fainted." Chuck said with a serious face.

"WAIT WHAT" Newt said.

"woah. I'm fine, I'm fine. Thanks for that Chuck." I said.

"you sure?" Newt said.

wait why was newt so concerned. Minho looked like he was about to bloody laugh and Thomas had no emotion on his face.

"yeah. I'm good"

"You needed me?" Thomas said.

"yeah, I feel like I know you."

"yeah, so do I." Thomas said.

"and I do know you. I know exactly who you are." I said.

"huh?" Newt said.

"he's my twin brother." I said.

"you guys do look very similar to be fair." Minho said.

"but how do you remember that?" Chuck said.

"when I fainted, it just came to me, I saw Thomas and I as kids, playing."

Thomas knelt down and gave me a big hug.

I hugged him back.

"Well that was interesting." Minho said.

"Come on Ellie, let's get some sleep." Chuck said.

"Yeah, okay." I said as I followed Chuck.

"Night." I said

"Goodnight." The boys said back.

Chuck and I had to sleep outside in sleeping bags, I didn't mind it because Chuck was already a good friend of mine.

"Chuck?" I said.


"Huh, yeah." He said with a groan.

"Did I wake you?" I said.

"No, definitely not."

"Sorry." I said.

"No it's okay, what's up?"

"just wanted to see if you where awake, sorry go back to sleep. I didn't mean to wake you" I said.

"okay, goodnight."

Truth is I was scared. I had a bad feeling in my stomach about something, but I didn't know what.

just as I closed my eyes, I heard a voice, it was like it was coming from in my head.

"Ellie?" It said.

"Ellie?" It repeated.

I didn't know what to do.

"Chuck do you hear that?" I said.

"hear what?" He replied.

"Don't worry."

Of course I was the only one that could hear it, typical.

"Ellie, I know you can hear me. Listen closely, you may have just triggered the ending."

I jumped up.

I looked around as my breathing increased.

Chuck got up and screamed for Newt.


Newt came rushing out.

"El? Ellie what's wrong?" Newt said with panic in his voice.

I could hear him very vaguely. It's like his voice was blocked out of my ears.

Thomas, Minho, Alby and some other gladers came out to see what was happening.

"You triggered the ending." The voice repeated.

"Your triggered the ending."

"ITS YOUR FAULT." The voice screamed.

"wait. no... no... no... what's my fault? WHATS MY FAULT?" I screamed.

"Ellie. Nobody said anything was your fault?" Minho said.

"No no no. They did, somebody kept saying it's all my fault. I did something bad." I replied with tears in my eyes.

"Nobody's here apart from us." Newt said.

"I don't feel so good." I said as I felt weak.

"Ellie?" Thomas said.

Then it happened again, there voices I could only hear vaguely.

"Tell them I said anything in your head, or your triggered the ending, you'll be sorry." The voice said.

I was scared. My breathing rapidly increased. I didn't feel safe, I looked around being aware of my surroundings.

"Ellie come with me and Thomas, everybody else bed." Newt said.

I hadn't even been there 24 hours and I wanted to die, so much was happening to me.

"Ellie. What's wrong with you?" Thomas said.

I needed to tell them, what was going to happen though? What was that voice gonna do to me? What's the worst that could happen?

"I triggered something." I said.

"Triggered what?" Newt said.

"I don't know, somebody in my head told me I did and everything's my fault."

"You're probably tired so your hearing things and you just came here so your probably overwhelmed by everything." Thomas said as Newt agreed.

"yeah, probably." I said.

that was the only good explanation.

"Lets get back to sleep." Thomas said.

We all went back to sleep.

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