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"morning greenie." Newt said smiling .

I knew that voice anywhere, I don't know why but I was glad it was him, he made me feel safe.

Hold up, what?

"Morning newt." I said.

"You ready to try the jobs?" Newt said.

"ready as I'll ever be." I said.

I was trying forget everything that happened last night.. I didn't wanna think of it because hopefully it was just my IMAGINATION.

We had breakfast, I sat with Chuck, Newt, Minho, Thomas and Zart again but Alby joined us this time.

"okay, you'll be starting with Winston. He's a nice guy." Alby said.

"Okay Winston she's all yours."

"Okay Ellie let's get right to it."

Being a slicer was the worst, I don't know how Winston didn't gag.

"Ellie, your so dramatic. It isn't that bad." Winston said laughing.

"yeah, totally." I said gagging.

After I had finished with Winston I went to the builders, gally was the keeper, unfortunately.

it was so hard.

"greenie you actually suck at this." Gally said

"Woah thanks gally, appreciate it." I said.

Gally wasn't a bad person.

"how's it going?" Newt said as he came over.

"She sucks at this." Gally laughed.

Newt laughed.

"Come on let's go to Frypan." Newt said.

We went over to Frypans kitchen.

"Hey fry" I said.

"Hey El." Frypan answered.

"Ellies with you now, I'll be back in a bit." Newt said.

"Okay bye!" I replied.

"What we doing first then?" I said.

"Oh no no no greenie, i just sit back and observe; make sure you don't burn this place down." Frypan said with a smirk.

"Yeah no promises there."

After what felt like years I was done with my meal, it didn't smell the best but maybe it tasted better... hopefully.

Newt was back to taste it.

Newt and Frypan sat at the table ready for me to bring the meal.

"What is that smell? It's smells like a pile of Klunk." Frypan said.

What did klunk mean? I was confused, maybe that mean flowers or something?

"Bloody hell Ellie, that don't smell right or look right." Newt laughed as I put the plates on the table for them.

"Fine." I said picking the plates up.

"Wait what are you doing?" Newt said.

"Huh" Frypan said.

"putting them in the bin."

"There. all gone." I said.

They both started laughing.

"I know I'm very funny." I said.

After frypans kitchen/cook I tried the other jobs, i sucked at literally most of them.

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