the room.

20 2 0

Janson came.

"you know the drill, if I say your name come and stand by my soldiers and I."







Again everybody groans.

"your time will come." the rat man said.

"I wanna know what's through that door" I said.

"now El, we've been through this. Don't draw attention to yourself." Newt said.

I got up and started walking towards the soldiers.

"What's she doing?" Thomas said.

"I think she's drawing attention to herself." Frypan replied.

"What are you doing?" The soldier said.

"I wanna go through." I said.

"Your name wasn't called."

"I don't care, let me through." I said.

"sit your ass back down on that chair." the soldier whispered.

I stepped back slightly then charged at the guard.

"ELLIE" newt yelled as he ran up to grab me.

"ELLIE WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Thomas yelled as he helped newt.

I got the soldiers keycard.

Janson came through the door.

"woah woah woah! What's going on?" Janson said.

"she's trying get through whilst her name not being called." one of the soldiers replied.

janson walked up to me and said "now Ellie, i thought we could trust either? Remember we're all on the same side here."

"are we?" I whispered.

"Take them to there room." He said.

we got taken to our room, the soldier pushed us in our room then closed the door behind us, locking it.

"What did you think they where just going to let you through?" Minho said.

"no." I said showing them the keycard.

"I'm going to see what's through that door." I added.

"your crazy." Newt said.

"Crazy for you." I said as I laughed trying brighten things up.

Just as I was going to say something Aris came through the vent.

"did you get it Ellie?" Aris said.

"yeah." I replied.

"What the?" Winston said.

"Aris is going to help me, I need you all to cover for me until I get back. I won't be long." I said.

"be careful." Newt said.

"I will." I said as I slid through the vent.

Aris and I crawled through the vent. We went the way we went last time, when we got there we jumped down making sure nobody was there.

"okay you ready?" I said.

"Ready." Aris said as he pressed the keycard on the pad.

The doors open.

We walked through and there was this small room and on my left I saw these types of body parts, I'm couldn't quite make out what type of body part it was- if it was a body part- but it was floating in a tube.

"What the?" I said.

There was another door and we went through it and I couldn't believe my eyes.

There where body's hanging, the body's of the kids that where going to the so called "safe farm."

Where they dead?

"Rachel?" Aris said.

"I told her it was going to be okay. That she didn't have to worry."

Just as he said that the doors started to open.

"Hide" I whispered.

I peeped over to see what was going on and it was janson with somebody.

"What does she want?" Janson said.

"I don't know, she said it was urgent."

They got the a certain point and a screen popped up.

It was her.

Ava Paige.

I thought she shot herself.. back in the maze.

"Janson, we need to go faster, we're being to slow." Ava Paige said.

"I know, I know. We're going as quickly as possible." Janson said.

"What about the new arrivals?" She said.

"What about them?" He said.

"Use them. They came as a group, it will be easier."

"Okay, we'll do it now." Janson said as he turned away to walk to the door.

"Janson?" She said.


"I don't want them to feel any pain."

"Oh, they won't." Janson said with a smirk.

I looked at Aris and my breathing increased.

Once they had gone Aris and I went straight from the vents.

We crawled so fast back to the room.

I looked around the room to see what I could find to barricade the door.

"Ellie? Ellie what happened?" Newt said.

I couldn't answer him.

"Aris? What happened?" Frypan said.

I got a mattress and put it against the door and then I got a bed sheet and tied it around the door.

Just as I did that newt came up to me and said "el, what did you see?"

"Wicked. It's wicked, it's ALWAYS been wicked." I said. "We need to go! Now."

"What?" Thomas said.

"Ava- Ava Paige, she's alive." I said.

"Now we need to go, through the vent now, go, go, go! they're coming for us!" I said as we all rushed to the vent.

We all crawled through the vent so fast and we came out onto a hallway.

Alarms started to go off.

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