they made me.

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"they made me do it." Aris repeated.

"who?" Newt said.

"The creators."

As he said these words, we all looked at each other, "one way to try get yourself out of something." Minho said.

"let's just keep going." I said as I walked away.

"the mountains seem they are getting further away." Frypan moaned. "it's fine." I said.

we walked, ran, rested repeatedly.

To me Aris sounded very suspicious but I didn't wanna say anything, I didn't wanna make things even more complicated as they where and he was my friend.

We finally got to the mountains, we had to walk up them yet..

we all struggled to walk up them but we where managing. Just as I was about to speak a gunshot went off..

"What the-" I went.

"GET DOWN!" Minho Minho yelled.

Newt pulled me down. We sat there for about 5 minutes before we heard "who are you?"

I went to get up but meet dragged me back down.

"The gladers." Minho said slowly getting up with his hands in the air.

"And why are you here?" They carried on.

I got up this time "because we're here for safety, safety from wicked."

It was two girls, one blond and one brown.

The two girls looked at each other.

"Who else is here apart from you two?"

All the gladers and Aris stood up.

"Sonya? "Harriet?" Aris said.

"Aris!" They both yelled as they went to hug him.

"Uhm-" I'm said "how do you know eachother?"

"Group B, they were with me in my glade." For a respond I just nodded.

"Are you with these guys Aris?"


"Okay, follow us."

They took us to the safe place. "Clean clothes and food all over there." They said as they walked away.

"Very polite" Frypan laughed.

"At least we're here." I said.

We all got changed and ate then sat by the fire, I sat by newt and Thomas.

"Hey, wheres aris?" Thomas said.

"Over there. Has been for most of the time we've been here." Newt said.

"I'll be back." I said as I went over to Aris.

"Okay love." Newt said.

As I approached Aris I said, "hey what are you doing over here alone? why don't you go catch up with Sonya and Harriet or come and sit with us by the fire."

"I'm sorry." He said.

"Sorry for what?" I laughed.

"Sorry for what I've done but, I've done it for a good reason and i hope you, as my friend can understand this and understand why I've done it. you used to be so fond about this cure too." Aris said.

"Aris, what have you done.."

"you didn't see her, you didn't see my mum, her eyes Ellie..she ripped them out."

I didn't say anything until I saw in the distance, helicopters.

"no-" I said.

"no no no, you didn't. Please tell me you didn't."

"I'm sorry." He said with tears in his eyes. "I had to tell them."

I looked at him with tears and then I ran, ran as fast as I could back to the others.

"Ellie? Ellie! What's wrong." Newt said.

"They know we're here! Aris, he told them. He's been working with them!" I said.

"wait what?"


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