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he was gone but we couldn't let that stop us. we loved him, he was family , but we had to carry on for him.

we walked and walked and walked, it felt like as the hours past by it was getting hotter and hotter.

"it's so hot" Minho said pointing out the obvious, "Really? we didn't know." I said.
Minho rolled his eyes for an answer.

"let's just keep going." Thomas said while newt agreed.

"you guys go ahead, I'm just gonna go over there to pee." Aris said.

"We will wait here for you then." I replied.

"no it's fine, I'll catch up." He said.


As we carried on walking I noticed Aris still hadn't made it back to us..

"guys?" I said as they all turned to face me.

"have you noticed Aris hasn't made it back to us?"

"oh yeah. I'm sure his fine." Frypan said as he carried on walking

"yeah I guess your right."

We walked on.

"PST." A voice said.

"PST" it carried on.

I was confused, I guessed nobody else heard it. I turned around and to my surprise it was aris.

"where the hell have you-" I started to say as he pulled me away from the boys.

"I have somebody who wants to meet you." He said.

I was confused but I followed. We walked on and on and we ended up at some weird looking destroyed place.

"where are we? what about newt and Thomas and the rest of the gladers?" I said.

"look Ellie, to be able to get the serum we need to take you to them." He said.

"We? Them?" I said and just as I said that a group of girls with spears came out.

"what the-"

hey!! Sorry this wasn't long, I'll make an extra long one tomorrow! also I'm going kinda like the maze runner but I'm making some changes <3 hope you liked this!!

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