Back in the maze.

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I felt a rush of mixed emotions, excited relived that it had worked, wonder where it could lead to.

"Man." Minho said summing up my feelings.

"it could be a coincidence." Thomas said. "Do more quick."

I did, putting together the eight pieces of each day, in order from section one to section eight. Each time, an obvious letter was formed in the centre of the crisscrossed mass of lines. After the F was an L, then an O, then an A, and a T. Then C..... A..... T.

"look" I said, pointing down at the lines we just formed. I was confused at what they meant but, I was happy. Happy that we had letters so obvious. "It spells "FLOAT" and "CAT"

"hm. Float cat?" Newt asked. "Doesn't sound like a bloody rescue code to me."

"We need to keep working" I said.

After another couple of combinations made us realise the second word was actually CATCH. FLOAT and CATCH.

"I don't think this is a coincidence, do you?" Minho said.

"Definitely not." Thomas agreed.

I couldn't wait to see more, Newt said "we need to go through them all."

"yeah." I nodded. "Let's get on with it."

"We can't help." Minho said.

We all glared at him.

"Well not me, Thomas and Ellie anyway, we need get out in the maze with the other runners."

"What? This is way way more important!" I said.

"Maybe." Minho said. "We can't risk loosing a day out there especially not now."

"That's a waste of time! They have been repeating them selfs for ages now! One day isn't going to hurt Minho." I said.

"That's ball crap!" Minho said as he banged his hand on the table. "Out of all the days this might be the MOST important day to get out there, something might have changed, something might have opened and with the walls not moving we could stay out there all night and explore further."

"But. But what about this code what—?" I asked.

"El," newt said holding my hand. "Minho's right. You both go out there, I'll round up Alby and a few other gladers we can trust and get working on this." Newt said sounding more like a leader then ever.

I decided Newt and Minho where right. We did have too.

"Come on shanks, let's go." Minho said.

"Hey El?" Newt said.

I turned around.

"Be bloody careful out there" he added

I nodded my head and smiled.

"Don't worry Newtie, I'll keep your girlfriend safe." Minho said laughing while Thomas joined him.

"Minho, Tommy you guys are so bloody funny." Newt said sarcastically.

"Let's go." Minho said.

I waved at newt who waved back. 

As we started walking I had a pain in my stomach, I was scared of what we where going to found out there. Terrified.

I helped Minho gather the runners and tell the the news and to my surprise they where up to go deep exploring in the maze. We packed way more supplies then normal, who knows how long we'll be out there.

I told Minho I'd take a section by myself but the keeper refused, he said we had plenty of runners to take them and I was to go with him. I was relieved at him saying that.

Minho and I where stretching our legs at the west door when Chuck walked over to say goodbye.

"I'd go with you" Chuck said "but I don't wanna die a gruesome death."

I snickered, "thanks for your encouragement."

"No but seriously be careful, I wish I could help you guys. I really do." He added with a serious tone.

I was touched — I bet he would definitely go out there if he where asked too.

"We'll definitely be careful." I said.

Minho grunted. "Being carful hasn't gotten us anyway. It's now or never, baby."

"We better get going." I said with butterflies in my stomach.

"Yeah." Minho responded, "let's go."

"Well." Chuck said looking down at the floor before gazing at me. "Good luck. If your boyfriend gets lonely I'll remind him how much you love him."

"Funny one." I said.

"Seriously though, good luck."

"Thanks, means a lot." I replied. Minho answered with his own eye roll. "See ya shank."

"Yeah see ya." Chuck muttered, then walked away.

Then I felt a sudden pang of sadness, I might never see newt or Chuck, Frypan or even Thomas — because he wasn't running us — again.

"Don't forget my promise!" I yelled to Chuck. "I'll get you home!"

Chuck turned and gave me a thumbs up while he's eyes glimmered with tears.

I waved and then Minho and I put our rucksacks on and entered the maze.

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