was it a rescue..

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I must of fell asleep because I opened my eyes to newt yelling "El come on get up! We need to go" he said as he and Thomas tried to drag me.

when I finally got up we all ran to this big building that the soldiers where pointing at..

"CRANKS" one soldier screamed as he started shooting.

as we got in the big metal gates shut behind us with a click.

"so where are we then?"

"What was that?"

"A crank?"

"What is this place?" I could hear gladers asking.

just as Minho was about to shut them all up a man walked to us, he looked weird, kinda like a rat.

"hello I'm Janson."

"hi?" Newt replied.

"you're probably pretty confused by what's going on right now and I promise we'll let you know soon. Let's get you checked out first and fed then, I'll explain it." he said walking away motioning with his hands for us to follow.

Newt and I held hands and Thomas stood beside me with Minho beside Newt and the other gladers behind us just as I looked around to see that I remembered Chuck. Chuck would have been standing beside me making some joke that I didn't understand but I'd laugh anyway.

we walked into this room with food and showers and new clothes, starting to think of it when did I eat last?

"okay. Get cleaned up then meet back here." The rat man said.

We all did so, I took a shower first and this time I didn't need newt standing outside like he did back in the glade because there where curtains.

After my warm shower I ate, I ate so much. I was starving.

"woah calm down there shank" Minho laughed.

"no. I'm starving." I said back chewing my Apple.

Newt started laughing.

After about an hour of being in the room,  rat man finally came back.

"I'm here to give you the good explanation you all deserve." He said sitting down. We all sat around him like we where waiting for a magic trick.

"so, those people who trapped you in that place, they are gone. dead. We're here to help you all, to get you to a safe place, the world out there has gone crazy most people have got the flare turning into cranks." Janson (the rat man) said.

"well that explains shucking everything." Minho said sarcastically.

"it's not a very good explanation I know but, it will all make sense piece by piece."

"let's get you to the canteen." the rat man said as he told the soldier in the room to take us.

"Ellie? Could you stay behind please?" Janson said.

Hold on how did he know my name?

I looked at newt and he said "hold on, why?"

"Because I need to speak to her alone, she'll meet you at the canteen." He replied.

They all walked away while I was stuck with janson.

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