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"what are you talking about?" I said as I stopped walking. Aris stopped walking and turned around to face me, "your gonna be my sacrifice." he said with a smirk.

"oh hell I'm not."

he didn't reply back to me on that but I did hear him whisper "trust me."

we finally arrived to where Aris wanted me. He opened a door and it was a very dark, cold and empty room thing, "get in"

"no way." I said backing away from the door. "okay then.." he said as he pushed me in.

"thank you Ellie for agreeing to be the sacrifice, I'll make sure the boys know that you sacrificed your life for them." Aris said as he was getting ready to lock the door.

I had nothing to say to him, nothing.

I was freezing, I couldn't see anything and I was alone.. I didn't know what to do. As I tried to get my balance I felt around the room but, nothing. All I could feel was the rust on the walls, I barley had any strength left so I laid on the floor helplessly.

I fell asleep.

When I woke up nothing had changed, I was still in the cold and empty room. I tried screaming, crying, banging but, nothing worked.

Then out of nowhere, gass started to fill up the room.

That was it, I was gonna die. Just as I thought that the door began to open.

It was the creators to come take me away was my first thought.

but no it was him.

It was Aris.

"come on Ellie, get up." He said helping me up and out of the cold room.

"why- why are you back? Huh?" I said as I shivered.

"I told you to trust me." Aris said. "We really need to get a move on though, I'll explain while we run."

I thought that was fair and so we began to run.

"Right start then."

"okay so, I had to get you to think I wasn't on your side, I swear it was all an act-" he said as I cut him off. "well you sure are a good actor, seemed like you really wanted me to be your sacrifice back there."

"Yeah, I know and I'm sorry." He said, "if I didn't do it, you wouldn't be here. I saved you."

I didn't say anything to that, I said "look there's the boys."

"yeah come up, let's catch up with them. They are nearly there." Aris said as he started sprinting.

After ages of running we finally caught up with the boys.

"and where the hell have you been?" Thomas said.

"Where have you bloody been?" Newt said.

"Look who decided to show up!" Minho laughed.

"Care to explain Aris or shall I? You know what, I will." I said crossing my arms.

"Basically Aris kidnapped me to sum it up."

"What no! Your totally putting it out proportion." Aris said pushing my arm.

"Actually no! no I'm not, you took me away from them and locked me in a room that was cold, dark and empty. And then the room started filling up with gas."

"sounds a lot like kidnapping to me." Minho said as the rest of the gladers agreed.

"I did it for a reason."

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