goodbye winston.

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I woke up with the boys getting ready to leave.

"Have a nice sleep?" Minho said picking up his bag. "Yeah, I did thanks" I replied trying to find the strength to get up. "Have they gone?" I added.

"what do you think? Why would we be standing in the open if they wasn't?" Minho said rolling his eyes.

"oh so they aren't gone?" I said sarcastically.

Minho gave me a sassy look.

"Would you two stop arguing for two bloody minutes?" Newt said while starting at Minho. "Why the shuck are you staring at only me?" Minho said, Newt replied with "because I can, now Tommy can you and Minho help Winston?" 


"yes dad." Minho added while picking Winston up, as Winston got picked up he groaned.. I felt really bad for him.

"Where the shuck are we going?" Frypan added . That was a good question because, I didn't know myself.

"I overheard wicked speaking about people in the mountains, the right arm or something. They hate wicked and wanna take them down." Aris said, I hadn't heard Aris say much since we escaped.

"Then we're gonna find them." I said.

"People? In the mountains? Mountain people?" Newt said not sounding amused.

"yeah newt, it could be our only chance." I added and newt only shrugged.

"Let's go then." I said grabbing my bag. "Mountain people" I heard Minho say under his breath and I just rolled my eyes.

Aris, newt and I where at the front leading Thomas, Minho, Frypan and Winston however
they where all helping to drag Winston.

we got to a Sandy hill and I saw mountains in the distance, "that must be it." I said. "That looks like so much walking and running." Frypan said trying to catch his breath.

"I know fry, I know but we gotta. We just gotta." I said and just as I said that Winston collapsed, "Winston?" I said.

"Winston!" We all said as we rushed towards him.

I looked down at him and then looked back at the mountains, since there where a lot of random things about in the scorch for some reason I found a wheelbarrow and we put Winston in it.

we carried on walking towards the mountains, Thomas said "it looks like it's getting further away."

"it's not. Let's just keep going." I said.

"no, we need to find shelter I need rest." Frypan said.

"Yeah el, my legs are bloody killing." Newt added. "Yeah alright then let's find some shelter." I said.

We found shelter, we all rested.

I got up and went to look at the mountains when Aris came up to me and said "they did something to me."

"Who?" I replied.

"Wicked, wicked put something in my neck." He said. I looked at his neck and he was right there was something there, like a chip piece, and it read..

Subject B1 the partner.

"What does it say?" He said.

"B1 the partner." I said. "What does mine say?"

"Subject A1." He replied.

"Is that it?" I said.

"Yep." As soon as Aris said that we heard a gun shot go of so we ran back to newt and the rest of the gladers.

"Winston!" Frypan said taking the gun. "He tried to shoot himself."

"Winston..." I said bending down.

"It's spreading.." he said. I was confused, what was spreading and then he lifted his top up..

"Oh my-" I started to say.

"please- please don't let me turn into one of those things." Winston said with his voice soft as ever.

I looked at newt, then back at Winston. I walked over to Frypan and took the gun.

"Ellie.." Frypan said but I ignored him.

"It's okay." I said handing Winston the gun.

"Thank.. you.." Winston said trying to catch his breath.

"Now go." Winston said.

We a stood there.

"go!" He said his voice getting a bit louder, we started walking.  "Ellie?" He said.


"Take care of them for me." Winston said.

"They'll be the ones taking care of me but sure, I will Winston." I said.

He chucked a bit, with tears in his eyes.

"Goodbye Ellie." He said. "Goodbye Winston" I said turning my head.

We all started walking down a hill and towards the mountains leaving Winston behind with the gun. we all walked with tears in our eyes until we heard it.

The gun went off.

We all stopped walking.

Winston was gone.

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