escaping wicked.. again.

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I looked around to make sure nobody was there.

"Come on, come on." I Repeatedly said.

As we started running I noticed Aris wasn't behind us so I turned around to see him standing there trying open the vent again.

"Aris what are you doing?" I said slowing down.

"You wanna get out of here? Then trust me, I need to do something."

"Okay," I said with a long pause  "okay."

"I'll go with him." Winston said.

"Okay Winston, go with him." Thomas said.

"Now let's go." I said as I started running again.

Just as we turned the corner a guard started running up to us so, we turned around to go the other way.

Minho tuned around running straight for the guard.

"Minho? What are you doing?" I said.

"Minho! Get bloody back here." Newt yelled.

He took the guard out, we all ran up to Minho.

"Bloody hell Minho." Newt said.

The guard had a gun type thing so, we took it and we took his keycard.

We ran again.

We got to a door with a keycard lock, I tried to open the door but the door wouldn't open. I was under a lot of pressure, the alarms beeping everyone shouting "quick Ellie!" Or "hurry Ellie."

Then I heard him, rat man. "Ellie!"

I turned around dropping the keycard and snatching the gun of Minho.

I pointed it at the rat man.

His guards aimed theres at me.

"We're here to help you." Janson said.

"Don't lie to me." I said with my eyes focused on him.

"The maze was one thing but you kids wouldn't last one day out in the scorch." he said.

Then I heard a buzz.

"Ellie! The door, it's open."

"Ellie! Aris opened the door"

I turned around to see them all through the door.

"Close the man vault door, close the main vault door" janson repeated to his watch.

The door started closing.

I started shooting until the gun ran out of bullets and janson and his guards didn't get injured so, I chucked the gun and ran. I ran so fast.

"Come on el!" Newt screamed.

"Ellie! Quick come on!" Thomas yelled.

"Ellie!" Frypan and Minho both said.

The door was about to close when I just about slid under it.

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