The code.

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"what do you mean?" Newt said.

"In the changing, I heard somebody speaking about the maze being a code. Your not supposed to solve the maze"

They looked at each other.

"The maze, Minho.. you remember when we where out in the maze at night and we threw stuff of the cliff and it all disappeared in THAT same spot?"

"Well yeah?" Minho said.

"that's our way out."

"You wanna go and have lunch with the grievers? You really do have a death wish don't you greenie?" Minho added.

"yeah El, Minho's right.. that doesn't sound safe." Newt added.

"And staying here is? You just saw what happened to Zart!" I said.

and a feeling came to my stomach as soon as I mentioned Zarts name. Not a good feeling either.

"look newt, trust me. I know it sounds crazy, I do. But, I don't wanna be trapped here any longer then you do, I want us all to make It out of here together. We have to take risks otherwise we're just gonna all get taken one by one." I added.

Newt exchanged looks with Alby, Frypan, Minho and Thomas then said "we're going to have to be prepared then if we're really going out there."

"we still need to figure out the code though.." Minho said.

"it's in the maze walls." I said.

"Don't you think we would have seen it by now?" Minho added rolling his eyes.

"Maybe, maybe you can't see it with a naked eye."

"Wax paper" I said.

"Huh what?" Newt said "what do you-"

"Wax paper, we need wax paper, Any black markers you can find and scissors." I said looking at the maps.

"Go!" Newt said.

It took them a while to convince Frypan to let us have his wax paper especially with our limited amount of sources but he finally gave us them, we couldn't find any scissors though so I grabbed the sharpest knife I could find.

"Now what?" Thomas said.

"This better be good" Minho said.

Newt leaned on the table as if he was waiting for a magic trick.

"Get on with it then el" Frypan said.

"Okay." I said as eager as everybody else but I was also scared, scared I was wrong and would let everybody down. Get there hopes down.

I handed the knife to minho, then pointed to the wax paper "you can start by cutting rectangles about the size of the maps. Newt and Thomas, you can help me grab the first ten or so maps from each section box"

"What is this arts and craft time?" Minho held up the knife and looked at it disgust. "Why don't you tell me what the Klunk we are doing this for?"

"I'm done explaining." I said.

They where just gonna have to go along with it until they understood what I was doing.

"It'll be easier to show you, if I'm wrong, I'm wrong and we can go back to running around the maze like mice." I added.

Minho signed he was clearly irritated.

Newt stayed quiet for a while.

I grabbed a stack of maps, Minho had cut 20 sheets already, making a messy pile.

I sat down and grabbed a few. I held one to the light, saw how it shine through. It was exactly what I needed.

I grabbed a marker. "Okay everybody trace the last ten or so days into a piece of this stuff. Make sure you write the information on the top so we can track what's what."

"What—?" Minho began.

"Just keep bloody cutting." Newt ordered. By the sounds of things I think Newt had started to see what I was trying to do.

"I see where she's going with this."He added.

"Me too." Thomas said.

Finally, somebody had finally gotten what I was trying to do.

We got to work.

As I was working I had feeling in my stomach that everything we was doing was a complete waste of time.

Box by box, section by section, we continued on.

"I've had enough." Newt said breaking the silence. "My fingers are bloody burning like a mother. See if it's working."

I put my marker down, I was hoping I was right about all of this. "Okay, give me the last few days of each section — make piles along the table, in order from section one to eight."

Silently everybody did as I asked.

Jittery and nervous, I picked up one page from each pile, making sure they were all from the same day, keeping them in order. I laid them one on top of the other so that each drawing of the maze matched the same day above it and bellow it, until I was looking at eight different sections of the maze at once. What I saw amazed me. Lines crossed up and down, so much that what I held in his hand looked like a grid. But certain lines in the middle — lines that happened to appear more often then any other — made a slightly darker imagine then the rest. It was light, but it was, without a doubt, there. Sitting in the exact centre of the page was the letter F.

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