we're free! or are we..

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"gally what are you doing?" I said as he turns the gun pointing it at me.

"this is our home." Gally said with tears in his eyes.

"we did it gally, we're free." I said putting my hands up.

"you think we're free out there? no, no there's no escape from this place."

"gally what are you doing?" I said with tears in my eyes.

"gally..." Newt said

"gally.. stop!" Thomas yelled.

"I belong in the maze... we all do." Gally said.
just as gally shot the bullet, Chuck jumped in front of me and Minho shot gally with a arrow, luckily the bullet didn't get me.

I started breathing heavily, gally fell to the ground trying to gasp for air when I heard Chuck say


I looked over to Chuck as he was bleeding.

"Chuck?" I said as he feel into my arms.

"take it." He said as he handed me the wooden figures he had made for his parents.

"no Chuck, remember your going to give it to them?" I said as tears fell from my face.

"take it!" he said a little louder as he gasped for air.

"thank you..thank you for everything." His final words where.

"Chuck?" I said as I shook him. "Chuck?"

he was gone.

"Chuck?" I screamed. "No Chuck, come on. Come on. Chuck." I said with my voice breaking.

"it's okay Chuck, come on you can do this."

"HELP SOMEBODY." I screamed but nobody moved but, I knew why because they couldn't..

and just as I said that the doors opened and soldiers came in.

"come on Ellie we need to go" newt said trying grab me.

"NO. We need to get Chuck, I- I promised him, promised I'd get him home, get him to his parents." I said fighting back to get to Chuck.

the soldiers started to take the gladers and tried to take me but I fought back.

"GO, GO, GO" they said.

they finally got me but, I was numb.

They put us all in a bus type thing, I laid on newts lap holding his hand numb from loosing Chuck. I didn't say anything.

I listened to the conversation Minho had with the man who sat with us.

"What's happening?" Minho said.

"we're gonna get you to safety then somebody will explain everything to you and what's going to happen next. try get some sleep for now." He said turning away.

"it will be okay love. we're safe." Newt said stroking my hair.

AUTHORS WORDS: heyy, I know the story isn't the same as the actual maze runner book/movie because I didn't wanna copy it word for word so I just changed it but kinda kept the same concept, I'll be doing the next part tomorrow. It's gonna be based on the scorch trials movie/book but I'm gonna keep it on the one so I'm not gonna create a whole new story it's just gonna be on part 16 so yeahhhh tysm for all the support <3 look out for tomorrow's parts it's gonna be part 16 titled "was it a rescue..."

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