goodbye glade.

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we ran leaving gally behind with his friends.

We left just in time because of the grievers where due to invade the glade.

As we ran to the grievers whole we heard a few clicks and whirring but we hadn't seen anything, thankfully.

Minho, Newt, Thomas, Alby and I where all at the front leading the other gladers.

we finally got to the cliff.

"so this is it?" Chuck said.


just as we where preparing and planning who goes down to check it out we heard grievers coming from bellow the cliff.

we looked down.

"we need to distract them so I can jump through the whole." I said.

"hold on what? your not going in there alone." Newt said.

"I agree Ellie, there's no way I'm going to let you go in there alone, let me come with you." Thomas agreeing.

"No. No, you guys stay here watch out for grievers and keep everybody safe, I'll go in and see what happens." I said.

"no Ellie I'm coming, Minho can help newt keep everybody safe and so can Alby." Thomas said.

"Fine." I replied.

"I'll come as well" Chuck said.

"what Chuck? Are you crazy! no."

"yes Ellie, please. let me come with you, I wanna seem useful. I wanna help." Chuck pleaded.

I exchanged looks with Thomas then finally said "fine, but stay close to us. how are we going to distract those grievers though?"

"I'll distract them, don't worry." Alby said as seemed like he was going to run.

"Alby? What are you-" but before I could finish what I was going to say he said "get them out of here." then jumped into the grievers.

"ALBY." Newt said.

I didn't know what to say, I didn't know what to do.

"Don't just bloody stand there!" Newt said to everybody.

"what do you want us to do? have a shuck funeral? He just sacrificed himself! Don't let it go to waist." Minho said.

but, albys sacrifice had gone to waist, grievers started coming.

"Ellie, Thomas. Go we're gonna hold them off." Minho said.

"Please be careful." Newt said hugging me.

"I promise, you be careful too?" I said hugging him back.

"Promise." He replied.

we faced the whole and all held hands, I looked over to Chuck then to Thomas. "3... 2... 1... JUMP." I screamed.

It was a tight squeeze but, we was in, all 3 of us, Chuck, Thomas and I.

there where dead body's, no signs of grievers just body's.

"what the?" Thomas said.

We looked around.

"what's this?" Chuck said looking at a red button. "I'm not sure but, don't press-" but before I could finish what I said he pressed it.

We heard a robotic voice say "grievers shutdown"

"way to go Chuck, good idea." Thomas said.

"yeah Chuck." I said.

suddenly everybody came through the whole one by one, Minho being last.

"Did we loose anybody?" I said.

"1 or 2 people but, the grievers just shutdown randomly.." Minho said.

"yeah." Newt added.

"you have Chuck to thank for that."

we all started to search around when we found a door.

We all went through it and there was a laptop with a video on it so, we clicked play while we all huddled round it.

"Hello, I'm Ava Paige and I want to congratulate you if your watching this because then that means you have completed phase one. I know this has all been very hard and your all confused but, it's all for a good reason. every thing we do is for a good reason, it will all come together soon, people will thank you all one day. but, it's not over yet." she says as she holds a gun to her head.

"But remember, wicked is GOOD."  She says as her last words before shooting herself.

I cover chucks eyes and newt covers my eyes.

"what the bloody hell was that?" Newt says as he takes his hand away from my eyes.

"what the shuck is a phase 1?" Minho added.

Everybody started asking questions.

I carry on looking around when I finally find a keypad and I type in the numbers 7152648 and just as I do a door opens with sun light shining into the room.

"we did it!" Chuck screams.

everybody starts screaming in joy when suddenly..
gally appears with a gun.

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