Nothings changed.

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we were back in the maze.

I was a little scared but, I was desperate, desperate to find a way out, desperate to get Chuck home, to get us all home.

we were running. running with both of us not saying a single word.

I broke the silence.

"seen anything?" I said looking around.

"if I have seen anything don't you think I would have said shank?"

he made a good point but the sass, there was no need that time.

"alright alright, just asking."

we ran.

we had a few breaks.

we got to the cliff.

"let's try this again, ay?" I said.

"hm, yeah I guess. We've seen nothing else new, let's make sure that definitely works." Minho replied getting us a few rocks.

we threw the rocks in the same spot as last time and they disappeared.

"looks like it." Minho said.

I had an idea.

"I have an idea, you're probably not gonna like it but, it's a good one. one that will hopefully get us all out of here." I said while Minho had no expression on his face.

"what if we jump into the whole? The code could lead us somewhere, I don't know."

Minho looked like he liked the idea but, I couldn't tell with his face expressions.

"god, you really do have a death wish don't ya greenie? what are your expecting to do, have tea with the grievers. we saw them go down there... god knows how many are down there." Minho said looking down at the whole.

"I know. I know, we have to try though. it could be the way out."

"it's not a bad idea, but, we'll have to get prepared good. get ready for the worst." As he picked his bag up of the floor.

"where you going?" I said as I started running after him. I thought we where checking the maze out we had only been out here for at least 11 hours.. I thought it would have been longer but, I ain't complaining.

"back to the glade, there's loads of runners to check the sections and we've check ours, and by the looks of things nothings changed. you might be right, that whole could be our only way out."

As we ran back to the glade, I tried to think hard. remember anything, anything at all. still, nothing came to me. nothing at all.

As we approached the glade Chuck was there.

"I was getting worried for a second." Chuck said.

I smiled at him and just as I did that Newt came over, we hugged eachother.

"anything new? anything at all?" Newt said with a eager tone. He sounded so hyped up, I was so angry that I had to crash his hopes right down.

"Actually, we thought of something. well, Ellie did." Minho said.

"huh what's that?" Newt said.

"Ellie. Tell your shuck boyfriend."

"the whole, the whole where everything disappears, we go though it, maybe the code has something to do with something inside of it? speaking of the code anything new with it?" I said hoping to hear a yes.

"yes actually, we completed it.

I was not expecting to hear that, not at all. I was so glad that. "what's it say? What's it means?" Questions just started to overwhelm me.

"come see for yourselfs." He said walking over to where we had first started of figuring out the code.

As we walked inside I noticed a few gladers I didn't know the names of, I felt bad for not knowing there names especially since they where helping us and then I saw Alby. I still couldn't get to the fact he looked good as new, since what happened..

We leaned over the table and saw the words:


I was confused.. what did these mean? "What do they mean?"

"We don't know yet.. we where hoping you and Alby might be able to help." Newt said.

Alby and I looked at each other.

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