A night in the maze.

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I was confused, I just risked my life and he was being sassy?

"your seriously having the audacity to be sassy with me when i came in here to save you?" I said rolling my eyes.

"Ellie. Your a greenie, how did you expect to save me?" Minho replied.

"Well at least your not alone."

"Greenie, we're in the maze at night, that's the worst time." Minho said.

Just as he said it we heard a whirring and clicking sound.

"Shuck. run. hide. do anything just don't stop running if you see one." Minho said as he began to run.

"See what?"

"A griever."

This couldn't be good.

"What about Alby?" I said.

"LEAVE HIM, he's safer here then running with us."

Just as he said that he turned a corner.

He just left me here when he knew I had never been out here before.

I didn't want to leave Alby alone.

The whirring and clicking got louder.

I had to hide Alby.

The only place I could hide him was the vines.

I dragged Alby over to the wall and started tightly tighing both him and I.

I tugged the vines and started pulling us up.

It was a struggle but, I did it. I tried to get as high from the ground as possible. It was quiet for a few hours, Alby and I just hanging from the vines.

But then, a griever was right under us. Alby was still breathing but passed out.

It looked up.

It started climbing the wall.

I couldn't untangle ably it would take to long so, I started running on top of the wall.

The Griever was right behind me, I could hear it's clicking and whirring getting closer and closer.

I started to climb down the vines.

I was running from this thing for a least 2 hours, I saw a wall closing- it looked like it was changing direction- I knew this is where I could loose it though. I slid through the wall and to my surprise Minho was there.

"you bloody left me!" I said trying to catch my breathe.

"Where's Alby?" Minho replied ignoring what I had said.

"I tied him up in vines." I said.

Just as he was about to reply we heard a whirring getting closer and closer to us.

"RUN." Minho said.

I wasn't letting him leave me again so I ran after him.

As wet turned a corner a Griever had also turned the corner, it was following us.

Straight ahead of us was a wall closing so, I had an idea.

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