the codes meaning.

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"how are we supposed to help?" Alby said before I could say anything.

Newt looked around at each of the gladers then looked back at Alby "well you've both been through the changing, right? so, you might have like seen something or remembered something..?"

I stayed silent, everybody's voices where muffled in the background, I couldn't tell what anybody was saying because, I was thinking. thinking hard, thinking if I could remember anything, anything at all.

then it came to me and everyone's voices came back into my ears.

"we need to think of a plan, and fast, the grievers have already took Adam and not long before they take somebody else." Newt said.

"71526483." I said.

"what?" Newt said walking over to me.

"the code, we don't need the CATCH, FLOAT thing, we just needed the order of them and then take the sections of the words and put them in the order that we found them and that order is 71525483."

then I added "we NEED to get through that whole."

"and if it's wrong?" Minho began to say.

"and it's wrong we can come back and all wait to get taken by the grievers one by one." I said rolling my eyes.

"I don't want to take sides but, we should trust her." Newt said.

"Of course you take the her side, your in love with the shank." Minho said.

As I went to walk out I said "I don't care who comes, they can come im risking it. Thomas go tell the other gladers, tell them that we're leaving and to get prepared, Minho your gonna come I know it so, go and tell Frypan to get loads of food ready and get weapons ready, SHARP weapons."

Thomas nodded and walked out so he obviously agreed with me. Minho on the other hand, had to give me the sass before he went to do it "of course your majesty."

At least he agreed.

Newt went to help prepare the maps and all while I went to find Chuck.

"see Chuck? I told you, I'd get you home."

"yeah, well I wouldn't get to happy we haven't even made it out of the glade yet." Chuck said.

As I was about to say something I got tapped on the shoulder and I turned around to see Alby.

"Ellie, we need to speak."

"uh okay, sure... I'll be back Chuck, go get prepared with Thomas."

Chuck ran to find Thomas. "I don't think this is a good idea, trying to get home... trying get out of here." Alby said with a concern filling his eyes.

"wait why? We all wanna get home, why don't you?"

"I've seen it, I've seen our so called world and- and it's not pretty, id rather stay here. I don't wanna go back there Ellie."

I could here the pain and desperation in his voice. "Alby, your the leader come on, nobody's gonna do it if your not up for it, I'll get us to safety i promise. we'll be safe."

Alby didn't say anything from there he just nodded his head and walked off, I was a bit concerned because he HAD gone through the changing as well but, I tried to let it slip of my back.

I went to prepared.

after hours and hours of preparing it was finally time, finally to get out off here.

we all went up to the maze entrance when gally and his group suddenly came marching over.

"you're not leaving." he said.

"Gally, listen to me please." I went on.

"no. this is our home, we belong here, you can't leave."

"gally we're leaving, you can come with us or you can stay I am not going to make that decision for you but, we're leaving. Anybody in your little group who wants to join us, can."

as we turned to run into the maze he said..

"you'll be sorry."

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