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"Hey Chuck." I said as I sat down on the sleeping bag.

"Hey El."

I didn't want to speak about the maze, I didn't ever want to speak about the maze.

"Better get to sleep for your training tomorrow." Chuck said as he laid down.

"yeah, true. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Ellie."

I was happy to be in that sleeping bag, it might not be the comfiest thing ever but, I was safe in the glade.

"Morning Shank." Minho said as he appeared.

Minho was polite, wasn't he?

"morning." I said as I got up trying to not wake Chuck.

"let's get breakfast then we'll get on with the training."

Minho didn't want to speak about the night in the maze as well, I could tell.

I Heard screaming.

"Who's that?" I said as I looked around.


"Wait is he okay?" I said. How could he say that so calmly? It sounded like he was in so much pain.

"He's going thought the changing, it will be over soon." Minho said as he grabbed his breakfast from Frypan.

all I could think to say was "oh.. okay."

It was only me and Minho eating our breakfast as it wasn't time for the others breakfast.

"Ready greenie?" Minho said.

"I guess so." I said.

"okay, I want you to run from here all the way down to the other wall 15 times."

"are you joking?" I said.

"nope, I'll be timing you so give it your all." Minho replied.

"3,2,1 GO."

I started running.

I ran so fast, I ran like I ran in the maze. I didn't stop.

"wow greenie. 11 minutes, that's better then most of our actual runners." Minho said.

I smiled looking up at him trying to catch my breathe.

"Your pretty good. Have some water take a quick break then, run from here to the gardens. Don't step on any vegetables, newt won't be happy. Actually he probably won't care if it's you because he lOooVesss you." He said with a smirk.

"Funny one."

"How many times do I have to do it?" I added.

"Hm, 14."

"Bloody hell-" but before I could finish Minho said


I started running again, a lot faster then last time.

I finally made it 14 times.

"woah greenie. your impressive, 9 minutes."

"okay, you can take a break before Newt comes to put you in the slammer." Minho said rolling his eyes.

"exciting." I said with sarcasm in my voice.

I mean it's only 24 hours.. right?

I rested for a little while before newt came along.

"Hey El." Newt said.

"Hey Newt, is it time?" I replied.

"Unfortunately, yes."

Girl GreenieWhere stories live. Discover now