Chapter 2 /Lost memory

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    I call Fenix in a panic. "I FORGOT HER!" I scream into the phone. "What?" Fenix says in a sleepy voice I must have woken them up. "I FORGOT WHAT SHE LOOKED LIKE!" I scream again. "Woah woah woah who are we talking about?" Fenix said a little more alert this time. I try to calm myself down, but it's hard. 

"I forgot her, the girl from the party, I only remember little snippets" I said a little more calmly. Fenix thought I really don't want to help her find that girl, but she'll just drive herself crazy. "What if I help you?" Fenix said. "How?" I said. "Well you told me a little about her it shouldn't be that hard to find her" Fenix said. They sounded a little disappointed but I don't know why. 

"Ok thank you that would be a big help" I said. "Ok so you said that she was athletic...beautiful... and smart. Do you remember her name?" Fenix said. "No, but I do remember she had melein skin" I said. "Ok so she's an athletic, smart, beautiful black girl. That doesn't give us much to go on" Fenix said. "Ugh I know" I say. "Do you remember anything else?" Fenix says. "No," I say. "Not even her name?" Fenix asked. "No," I said. "Then what do you remember?" Femix asked. 

"I remember she used she/her pronouns and said she was a girl, I remember her beautiful melanin skin and she had a direction name" I say. "Okay so like South or something?" Fenix asked. "Yes, but I don't think that that was it" I said. "Hey Iris look at your alarm!" Fenix said, shuffling around. "What, why?" I said looking at my alarm. 

"Holy crap" I say rushing around now trying to get all of my stuff and get dressed. "Hey Fenix can we talk later?" I say in mid panic with one of my legs in a pant leg, phone in between my shoulder and ear. "Yeah sure do you want me to pick you up?" Fenix asked. "Oh yeah that would be great, call you back in ten minutes!" I say rushing around half dressed. "Where's my computer?" I say to myself, moving things around on my desk. I find it on my desk after I shove everything off.

I stuff it in my backpack, grab something out of the fridge for lunch and head out the door. Fenix has their car parked in the driveway. I get in. "Ok drive Vin Diesel," I say as I punch my backpack down and feel my stomach rumble. "Is this gonna be a regular thing? Calling me Vin Diesel?' Fenix said laughing. "Only when I want you to drive faster," I said. "Ok so all the time then," Fenix said, pulling off the driveway. 

"It's not my fault you drive slower than my grandma" I say finally situated in the front seat. "Oh slower than Gammy or Nanna?" Fenix said with a smirk. "Wipe that stupid grin off your face we have work to do!" I said a little irritated, mostly trying not to smile. "Which work, schoolwork or the fact that you lost Ms. Right?" Fenix said, wiggling their eyebrows. "Ugh, wait did I forget to do something?' I said, a little worried and tried to think if I did. "I'm just messing, let's focus" Fenix said, a little more serious. "Ok" I said. "So what do we know?" Fenix asked. "We know that she's beautiful, has melanin skin, is smart, and is athletic." I said a little disappointed that that's all I know. 

 "Wait, I remember last night you said that she has a sister" Fenix said. "Hold on, I remember thinking that she has beautiful eyes" I say excitedly. "Um that's most of the student population Iris" Fenix says curiously as they see the look on my face. "But that's not all" I say with a smile. "Why?" Fenix says looking sceptical. "She has two different colored eyes brown and blue" I say almost jumping up and down. 

"Okay now that's helpful do you know who she is now?" Fenix says. "No, but we could look in last year's yearbook!" I say smiling. "Ok I'll meet you in the library at lunch, just don't do anything stupid until I'm there" Fenix says as we park. "I won't go get em Dr.Popular". I say laughing. "Not another nickname! What was the last one Nonbinary code?" Fenix said, not wanting the conversation to end. "I thought you liked that one?" I said getting out of the car and shutting the door. Fenix gets out too and shuts the door. 

"I like Dr. Popular better," Fenix says locking the car with their keys. Fenix already has someone flagging them down for a chat. We go our separate ways as we walk towards the school. Just write down what you need to do then do it. I'll do the spanish work on Fridays like I always do and if I don't then I'll get the motivation back. I can't not do my work again no matter how much my depression says not to. My spanish grade can't drop again. I think this, so hard that I bump into someone. 

 "Hey watch where you're going," says Tanner. He's the star of the football team. Everyone says he's hot but I don't get it. He's got blonde hair, blue eyes, and white skin. The typical "cute guy". He's also a jerk. "Sorry", I say not really meaning it. I keep on walking to first period English Mr. McCulley. I take a seat, I'm in the front row which I hate. I like being in the back. See I never talk in this class and I don't really know why. Mr. McCulley is younger than my parents, but not in his twenties. He has a beard,kind of a straight nose,blue eyes, brown hair, and he's white. I don't know why, but he always gave me the creeps. 

 As normal the announcements come on and the pledge as normal I sit. Let's skip ahead to lunch. I'm in the library sitting at a table with my lunch box open and unpacking it when Fenix walks in. They look irritated. "Hey, what's up?" I say with a look of concern apparently. "You know what sucks?" Fenix says in reply. "What?" I say. "Is that I have the body of a women, but I'm nonbinary", Fenix said huffing and took the seat across from me pulling out their own lunch. 

"Ok what is it now? What did they do?", I say a little more alertly and leaning closer in my chair to the table sandwhich in hand. "They put this on my locker," Fenix said, putting a piece of paper on the table. It says "You'll always be a girl with big boobs". I sit there a moment to take it in and figure out what to do. "We could send this to the principal and..." 

They interrupt me by holding up a hand "Iris we did that the last time and they did nothing. "Fine well what do you want to do", I said. "I don't know for now let's just look for this beautiful black girl you've fallen for. "Hey I never said that" I say a little on the defense. 

"It's written all over your face when you talk about her." Fenix said with what's that, disappointment on their face. After a second it's gone so I can't tell. "Okay let's look." I say. We both got up and grabbed last year's yearbooks that no one wanted, for it to go faster. "Hey what grade is she in?" Fenix said looking at a yearbook. "She's in our grade," I reply. We flip a little more. "Hey I think I found something, but you're not going to like it," Fenix says. "What do you mean", I say anxiously. "She has an identical twin". 

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