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You don't have to say you love me
You don't have to say nothing
You don't have to say you're mine

You don't have to say you love meYou don't have to say nothingYou don't have to say you're mine

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"Fuck, my thighs hurt."

An eyebrow lifts suggestively at Daphne Her sudden entry into the kitchen made me freeze with my sandwich in the air. Now she was looking at me weird. "Why do you look so happy? Damn it, Mads. It's eight, you're allowed to be grouchy," she huffed.

"You'll know the answer if you're a morning person," I answered her. She rolls her dark eyes and carefully sat on the stool. "Why do your thighs hurt?" I questioned. Her eyes rounded and her cheeks flushed. Before she can respond, another body strolls into the kitchen lazily.

My jaw unhinged without my permission while staring at the tall man tying his hair into a bun with his eyes on my pink rug. He had so many delicious features to offer I wasn't sure of where to look. The thin white shirt he wore did no justice hiding the muscles underneath. His left hand was inked with so many designs to look at.

"Daphne," I say in a warning tone while piecing the puzzle together. His head shot up and his bright, piercing eyes were looking at me. Shock swam through the greens in his eyes and I had to compose myself before I stared too long. But it was so hard.

"Mads, this is Henry," Daphne nervously introduced, pulling me back to reality. His face turns to Daphne, thick eyebrows shot up and pink lips parted. For some reason, it was hard for me to swallow when I noticed how sharp of a jawline the sexy man possessed.

He had it all.

The alluring and powerful aura, beautiful green eyes, the perfectly carved lips, the dark brown waves, not to mention the tattoos-

Wait, I thought I hated tattoos?

"Actually, It's Ha-"

A shiver rushed down my spine at the sound of his British accents. Of course, he's fucking British. Could he get any better? This guy immediately became more intriguing- if that was even possible. Damn it, British accents always get me. Even if I hated the accent, he could change my mind with a single word.

"Alright, Henry I think it's time to go," Daphne hopped off the chair and tugged Henry out of the kitchen with her hand on his bicep. His tall frame vanishes through the door against his will. Of course, I had to check out his ass, and let's just say that those skinny jeans served him right.

My focus returns to the salad sandwich as I liked to call it while waiting for my best friend to come back. I'm curious to hear her excuse since this isn't her apartment and now I'm second guessing giving her my spare key. No surprise I didn't notice her come in last night since my room was on the other end of the spare bedroom. Well the storage room I like to call it since it was filled with boxes of unwanted things but I still needed anyway. Drunk Daphne was probably smart enough to carry him there instead of the room opposite my bedroom.

I'm still pissed though.

Even though she blessed my eyes with a man carved by angels. I doubt the mysterious stranger would be able to leave my thoughts at all today. The apartment door shuts and Daphne walks in again dusting her hands. She looks at me and I remain silent waiting for her to speak.

"I can explain!" She blurts out and her hands fly into surrender. "Go on," I urged before taking another bite. Daphne sighs and flops down on the dining table I never use in the kitchen. "I don't remember what happened last night but I have a pretty good idea," she reveals. My eyebrows furrowed, from the looks of it she had a one night stand in my apartment after the bar.

With another sigh she continues," I'm fucking sore and it made sense my drunk head would come here instead of at my place. Clarissa is dealing with the breakup and doesn't need me fucking a stranger in the next room."

Clarissa is her twin sister who I've never got along with but we respected each other. After a ranting session with Daphne a couple of weeks ago, I learned Clarissa's boyfriend dumped her after a minor pregnancy scare. Turns out, it wasn't a scare and she was actually pregnant which for him was more of a reason to leave her.

"So you fucked a man in my apartment while I was asleep?" I bluntly said, blankly looking at her. With guilty eyes, Daphne nods her head. "Make me tea as forgiveness," I ordered with a smile. Her eyes light up and she pushes off the chair to wrap her arms tightly around my small frame. "Thank you for not bitching!" She cheers and kissed my cheek.

"Tea!" I commanded. Daphne pulls off and locates the teabags while I finished my sandwich. Along the process, she takes two Tylenol pills and her mood lightens. I'm jealous of how quickly pills work on her.

The clock was nearing quarter past, I had to get to school. "That's too much sugar," I cringed. Daphne glared at me and happily added another spoon of sugar to the tea before stirring with the spoon. When done, she slides it to me carefully and I push it back to her. "I'm not drinking that," I stated and shook my head.

"Ungrateful bitch," she huffed below her breath and grabbed the hot cup in her hand. With a wide smile on my face, I leaned and kissed her cheek. "You owe me Starbucks," I compromised. She rolled her eyes but agreed away. "See you later, Daph," I say and she returned a goodbye. It felt like the bag was weighing down my body, seconds away from snapping my bones. Yet I refused to carry those textbooks in my hands like most students. That method seemed even worse.

The beaten red car awaited me, begging me to sit inside. I desire the day I'd earn enough money from the hair salon or library to get a new vehicle and finally watch this piece of trash squish into metal parts. Stupid car broke down on me so many times it deserved the most painful death.

Reluctantly, I got into the annoying piece of crap and drove to school with my thoughts preoccupied by green orbs. I've never seen someone with such unique eyes, it's compelling. "Stupid Henry," I muttered and turned the radio up as if it would drown out my thoughts.

"Elizabeth Wren was found laying in a pool of her own blood last night by her husband, Joseph," the news reporter announced. "Positivity, positivity," I muttered and pressed through stations while looking at the road until Maroon 5 flooded my ears.

Within five minutes, I was parked on campus and took two minutes to shut the car off. After success, I grabbed my bag and shut the door extra hard since that was the only way it would lock properly. My eyes glanced at the time on the screen before shoving the phone into my back pocket. I hooked the bag on my shoulder and walked through the parking lot. My hand met with the cold handle and before I can pull it open, my body tensed at the sound of my boyfriend's voice. "Mads!" He calls and I turn around with a faked smile on my lips.


Contemplating on knitting Harry's famous sweater! Any of the readers has one?

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Contemplating on knitting Harry's famous sweater! Any of the readers has one?

Anyway, thank you so much for reading the first chapter! I'm beyond thankful that you kept reading and I hope there wasn't any disappointment:)

Well, until next update!

Ethereal |H.S|Where stories live. Discover now