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We don't see what we used to see
We're just two ghosts swimming in a glass half empty
Trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat

We don't see what we used to seeWe're just two ghosts swimming in a glass half emptyTrying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat

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I huffed as I flipped sides on the bed again. I've been tossing and turning all night, at least that's what it felt like. In reality, it had only been about an hour. The clock mocked me as the time slowly passed. My mind was very much awake, running circles around Harry. It feels like we've reached another level. Before I could've controlled my attractions but now it feels like I might burst if I'm not touching him.

Can't stop thinking about him.

No, you don't get it. I literally can't.

Those green eyes and talented lips are in every single thought my mind whips up. It's driving me crazy. I haven't been so restless in a very long time. Usually, I'd go outside and find something to tire me out but now I'm scared to see him again. We're more sober and aware of every little detail.

I think if he'll regret it.

If he's thinking of me too.

If he feels at least half of what I'm feeling right now.

Painfully slowly, I fall asleep to my thoughts repeating endlessly like counting sheep.


My head rested in my hands and began to rub my temples, trying to massage away the headache. The screaming hangover that poked at my skull told me I needed medicine right away. With a groan from my tired body, I forced myself off the bathroom floor. My mouth tasted disgusting from puking several minutes ago.

I felt so disgusted.

Apparently, I was that desperate for a release that I forgot I should've ate before drinking. Lazily, I brushed my teeth and slid off the thin clothes barely hanging on my body. I quickly showered and changed into comfy clothes that can be categorized as pajamas.

For the second day in a row, I'm up before Harry. Only today I don't check in the guest bedroom for him. Desperately, I made my way to the kitchen to put food in my stomach so I could take Tylenol for the headaches.

However, I didn't want to actually cook anything. I'd gotten so used to Harry doing all the cooking now I became too lazy for it. So I was about to settle for an apple when the sound of footsteps dragging into the kitchen interrupts my search for food. Harry lazily strolls to the kitchen, hair messy yet somehow still looks beautiful on his head, sweatpants hooked lowly on his hips but the long hoodie forbid me from seeing anything. His droopy eyes found mine for a second before they scanned the kitchen. It was like everything from last night came gushing back at me. All morning I kept trying to push my mind away from our activities but now, looking at him I couldn't help it.

"Hi," I my voice squeaked and I mentally cursed myself for it. "Morning," Harry mumbles, tracing his fingers through his hair to tame those messy curls. Harry stops directly in front of me, our toes almost touching, and automatically, I held my breath. Harry lazily opens his eyes and intensely, he's already looking at me. Our gaze holds as if our eyes were communicating, only we didn't know what they were saying. I was praying that Harry says something. Desperately, I wanted him to comment on last night.

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