Promise I won't fall? (5)

422 19 164

The problems I got

Are honestly probably not that bad

When I compare 'em to some shit y'all had

But I'm just statin' the facts

This year is just whack

Emotionally, I am lonely and anxious and mad

And if you feel me on that

Lowkey fuck 2020

~~~F2020 Avenue Beat~~~


helloooo, my apologies for not posting anything yesterday but I had a killer headache and spent half my day dying. Anyway, I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far and I'll try and be as quick as possible with updates.

Davina's POV

"So just be careful Vina, don't do anything I wouldn't do! But then don't do anything I would do!" He shouts from the car as I make my way to the front door. Well, that limits my options a lot because there is a very fine line between things Zayn does and doesn't do.

I don't answer him, I honestly don't have the energy to. This day kept sucking all my energy into a mental black hole, so needless to say I felt absolutely drained. It just keeps getting worse and worse by the minute.

Reaching into my pocket for my keys, I unlock the door before shakily inhaling and steeping inside the silent house. I need to get my shit together before listening to one of these so said conversations. I don't even bother to say I'm home anymore, my parents are not here and even if they were, they don't care.

At this time most days, our housemaid is already gone and my parents are at work, so I'm all by myself which I find quite relieving. At least I have a little alone time to think about what to do next and if I do trust Zayn.

I start making my way upstairs and into my bright room, slamming the door behind me and dropping my bag on the floor. I throw myself onto the bed and couldn't even think about doing homework right now. Though I could swear I heard a noise from the front door, I don't get up.

I can't see the driveway from here anyway, it must be Zayn getting inside his house.

Tiredness finally caught up with me as I bury my face on the pillow with heavy eyelids. Gravity didn't seem like such a big thing anymore as I felt my body floating in the bed. Maybe I could just take a nap, that would help me concentrate more.

That is, until I hear muffled voices coming from down the hallway, my once heavy eyes shoot open. They were almost whispers but loud enough for me to recognize one of them as my father's. This all felt so familiar already but I had no idea why. I was really fucking tired, but I decide to get up and check against my best judgement, keeping in mind what Z told me.

I quietly open my room's door and step onto the hallway, slipping my boots off and being extra careful with each step I took, avoiding all the creaky spots I learned how to avoid over the years. Sweat coated my forehead and my heavy breath made it hard to focus, heartbeat so loud you could hear it from a mile away.

Just as I thought, the voices led to my father's office.

The quiet voices suddenly started yelling, making me freeze in my tracks just as I was about to reach the door. The door was halfway open because no one was supposed to be at home right now. If we were all here it would probably be double locked.

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