Naiveness 1, Davina 0 (15)

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I see you're all very much convinced on who our unknown is 😏 lmao I seriously love you're comments

ALSO WHO SAW THE BRITS!!!! Taylor's outfit Jesus, mark my words she's teasing 1989

Davina's POV

Her soothing hand removes all the hair off my face as she admires my features with loving eyes, taking her time in each freckle and spot. My mom stays sat there for hours, as we lay calmly in my childhood room. The pale pink walls and high ceiling contrasting with the dark oak floors, light creeping in from the open window, letting the autumn breeze tingle mu skin.

An evergreen smile painted across my face as I take in the sight before me.

I'm home.

That beautiful feeling doesn't last long when I turn around to face my mother, but instead come face to face with the star of my latest nightmares, Harry. His hand delicately grazing my cheek, but for once I didn't flinch at his touch, nor got annoyed by it. It was so soothing yet strange, I couldn't quite put mu finger on why.

His eyes held the same look as Ben's did on the night of the accident. So much hurt and pent up anger behind them, but most of all familiarity. I could see flashes of the thousands of lives we had before just with a glance of him.

His hand never leaves my cheeks as I become hypnotized by his intense gaze. Slowly feeling more real, all the lights and warmth of my room turn into cold and darkness once more.

I slowly open my eyes and feel the cold draft of where his hand used to be. Turning around just in time to see a black silhouette as it left my room.

Wait was Harry actually here? What a fucking creep.

I straighten my back and lean against the headboard, glazing over to see Zayn still sound asleep in his bed. A yawn leaves my mouth from deep in my throat, rubbing my eyes in tiredness.

What time even is it?

12:37. I read on the digital alarm clock. Why the hell is he still up?

God I need some fresh air. It felt hot as fuck in here even though tonight was particularly cold.

I swing my feet to the ground and slowly stand up. The cold floor making goosebumps erupt all over my skin as I make my way to the balcony door, carefully sliding it and stepping outside.

The cold breeze hits my face, immediately cooling me down, it was such a beautiful night. The moon tucked under a mist of grey clouds, with starts littering the sky in the most peaceful hour of the day.

Nighttime has always been my favorite, I've always felt like my day wasn't truly my own. Every step I took and every move I made had been carefully planned to withhold my family's reputation, so I always stayed up late to have some alone time.

Staring out at the sleepy city nights, I finally allow myself to think. Today held the type of coldness that reached into my bones, my heart really felt like a door I left wide open in the icy cold, only for it to slam shut and being again.

I'm so exhausted of all of this, it all just looks so meaningless.

I lift my head up to look at the sky, the beauty and grandiosity of the universe we live in. I actually like to think of it as looking down an abyss, with only gravity keeping me from falling into nothingness. It is indeed a very weird way to look at things but it makes me feel quite invincible, in this sense exact moment not even the universe can tear me down.

I loved to talk to Zayn about all of this. Our universal insignificance and how the stars didn't give a damn about us. God I miss him so bad. There's a word for it in Portuguese called 'saudade' and there's no word quite like it in English. It's about the love you wanna give but can't, like being homesick and not sure where home is anymore.

'Till forever h.s.Where stories live. Discover now