this is not a love story (29)

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*first edit/trailer i've ever made* LOTS of dialogue i'm sorry 🥲


Also I've been reading the comments on the last chapter and I feel so evil for confusing y'all. ITS SO FUN. If you were confused on who 'unknown' is... this will only confuse you more so let's get to it.

They were young. They didn't know what life had planned for them.

Harry's POV

"And you're sure you cleared every single one of them?" I ask Niall with a hushed voice, looking around us to make sure no one was watching.

Even though I do not trust Niall the most, right now he's the only one who's completely uncompromised. After the little stunt Zayn pulled, I've come to realize there's so much I in fact don't know about this particular group because we're all so focused on taking care of the other departments. I also couldn't trust Louis completely until he's been cleared, as much as I wanted to go talk to him he's super mad to have his 'privacy' invaded so I'll give it time.

Niall leaned with his back against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest with an unbothered look. "Yeah. He was just calling his sisters." His tone matches mine just to be certain. Since there is indeed a leaky source from inside, we can never be too careful, for all I know there could be microphones here.

We stood closely together in the dark hallway, the small rays of moonlight only escaping through the curtains from time to time when a small breeze would come. Davina was still in my room doing God knows what since I've left a before she woke up and it's already night now, I just know she hasn't left even for food which is concerning.

Liam was still by Zayn's side for the whole day even though we said he only had minor injuries. There's definitely something going on between these two and I need to find out what as soon as possible, we can't afford not knowing at this point. Louis also left the apartment for the whole evening ever since Niall cleared him and he was furious to say the least.

"So what's the plan?" Niall asks, watching my frantic posture as I paced back and forth. The amount of anxiety this question brought me was indescribable, simply because for once I don't know. I had a plan but it all went to hell now, I just can't do it and it can very much fuck up everything I've worked for.

"I don't have one yet."

Fuck we need to figure out how to go from here, for all I know they could be closing down on us this very second. But first I need to know who to trust and who we can lose.

"I still don't have a will to live but I don't expect anyone to get it for me." Niall says in his normal 'the world is ending we're all gonna die' tone and shrugs his shoulders, right now it does seem like a real advice instead of just annoyance so I don't complain. "Now can we please get drunk?" He stands up straight and nudges my shoulder slightly, pure boredom taking over his features. I glance down at my clock seeing it reads 8:59, I did promise him that if he finished the clearance by 10 tonight that we could have some drinks so there's no turning back now.

"Fine," I sigh, pulling my arms behind my back to stretch them a little. I was so damn sore for some reason. "I'll just go call Davina." I tell him before giving a small acknowledging nod and opening up the door to my room.

Walking inside and closing the door behind me, I'm surprised to see Davina with her eyes closed seating against the headboard, her head bent backwards to rest on a small pillow she placed up there. The creak of the door makes my presence known, her head tilting up to meet my eyes.

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