Boys, girls and... Crime? (44)

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Mackenzie (Mack)

Mackenzie (Mack)

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Mack's POV

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Mack's POV

"Can you grab my charger?" Lauren shouts from the kitchen, the smell of grilled vegetables filling the small living room made my mouth water. I roll my eyes even though she can't see me, standing up from the beat up couch and walking towards her room so I could get the charger.

Me and Lauren have been living together for almost two years now. Ever since I got into college to be more specific. I didn't wanna live in these small American dorms, she was a med student in desperate need for someone to share rent with, and the rest is history.

She's a bit older than me, and while I'm in my second year of human psychology, she's already training to be a surgeon. We even have a small training room in the apartment that honestly creeps me out with the amount of organ figures and surgery stuff. If we ever get a bigger house, she's definitely gonna have a whole floor for that as far away from me as possible.

I grab the charger and walk back towards the living room, stopping in my room when I realize I also didn't have my phone with me. I pick it up and check the notifications hopefully, but get even more disappointed than I already was when I realize Zayn still hasn't texted me.

He had disappeared completely and left me super worried but got back in contact a few weeks ago. He said things weren't going great with his family and Davina but that he would explain everything to me soon enough. The last text I got from him was yesterday saying that he couldn't wait to see me, but he stopped answering after I asked him to elaborate on that.

Things have always been a little complicated with us, I'm not going to lie. We dated throughout high school, but after senior year, Zayn decided to take a break from studying while I got accepted into college in California. We have been keeping long distance but it's just not the same.

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