are you okay? (6)

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And I was running far away

would I run off the world someday?

Nobody knows, nobody knows

I was dancing in the rain, I felt alive and I can't complain

But now take me home, take me home where I belong

I can't take it anymore.

~~~Runaway by AURORA~~~


Okay so Davina and Zayn are on the road??? what shall I do?

Davina's POV

After a few minutes of driving as fast as we could and away from the city, we finally stop at some random gas station surrounded by nothing but trees.

Zayn turns to me and asks, "Are you okay?" Well, that is a funny question. Am I okay? absolutely fucking not.

I sigh and look at him through the review mirror, "Physically yes, mentally debatable." I answer sincerely, not having the energy to talk about anything. I rest my face in my arm and close my eyes, holding in the urge to vomit.

"We're just gonna take a few minutes to calm down and decide where to go, alright?" He says in an alert and anxious but soothing tone, still trying to regain his own thoughts. We sit in silence for what felt like years, taking in everything that happened in the past half hour, also gaining some questioning stares from people inside of a small dinner in the gas station.

I wipe my tears off and take a deep breath, turning my body around so I can fully face him, "Where are we going Z?" I ask while looking into guilty eyes. Part of me really wanted him to say home, but we don't have that anymore.

He sighs with a headshake, looking as lost as I felt, "I have no idea." 

I try to think back to our conversation this morning and how fucking oblivious I was. He mentioned we should get as far away as possible, but where? 

Oh my fucking God, I brought all my documents and Zayn always carries his. "What about Mack's place?" I suggest remembering he did mention we could go to his girlfriend's house even though it's very far away. "You said we could go there and I have my passport with me." I remind him of his own words but the look in his eyes tells me maybe I shouldn't have.

He looks at me in grief with a denying head shake, "I don't wanna bring her into this Vina, they are trying to kill us," he states with a point, running a hand through his sweaty hair, "Plus she lives in another country and if we get on a plane they can easily track us."

I guess I understand why he wouldn't take us there now that this all went to hell, she doesn't even know me as well so why help a stranger?

I've never felt so hopeless in my whole fucking life.

Here I was, running away with Zayn while our parents tried to kill us and we had absolutely nowhere to go. I always imagined what we would do if we could just get away but now that we're here, we're fucking screwed.

I really wish we could just drive off and pretend none of this happened but I can't just leave everything behind. If I do that I'll be just like my mother and I absolutely fucking hate being compared to my mother.

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