A/N: This is the second part of the double update, read chapter 34 first! I swear this is the last weird POV before we find out his identity ;) Also very short chapter!!
Darkness. When everything you know and love is taken away from you, so harshly, all you can think about is anger, hatred and even revenge. And no one can save you.
Unknown's POV
I stare at my dead eyes on the dirty mirror, cheeks flushed and tears threatening to leave me but I won't let them. These tired eyes will be the death of me.
I just fucking knew it. I knew from the moment she stepped in this house this would happen. I knew he was gonna get her and she was gonna have him wrapped around her little finger in no time. I won't just stand here and watch it happen. Harry was that little small bump along the road I thought I could fix before things got too complicated but I was so wrong.
I've been playing it cool, letting my dad deal with it his way and letting them enjoy this little bubble they created. But honestly, I'm getting real sick and tired of pretending I'm not evil.
I stare at the blond roots starting to show through my hair, slamming my fist harshly against the granite countertop out of pure frustration. Rage floods through my veins in the place of blood to the point where my hands shook.
I'm just so sick of this bullshit, I've tried telling myself that whatever she happened she's still my sister and I should be patient. My dad said he'd fix it, he'd fix us but he failed. I can't take it any longer. All I've done for five years is pretend, pretend to be clueless, pretend to like them. I wore this mask for so fucking long I was starting to forget who I truly am beneath it.
But I have a plan. I'm gonna end it all tomorrow, whatever the hell they have going on will end. I met evil when I was only a child so why should she experience any source of joy? She's a monster. And Harry can pretend all he wants, he can love her with all he has but that won't change her nature. She took Daisy from me, she deserves to burn in hell and I'm more than happy to be the one who takes her there.
Flashbacks from two days ago rip through my brain and the feelings make me wanna rip my hair off, my fingers tangling through it and pulling harshly until my scalp burned. It was the day after Davina's birthday, Louis helped Harry set something up on the roof and he and Davina spent the whole evening there. When they came back they were closer than ever, this is getting way too dangerous. He's growing attached to her.
"Nothing ever pleases you does it?" Harry laughs as he wraps his arms around my sister's waist, pulling her back closer to his chest as they both danced around the kitchen, on and off topics I couldn't give two shits about.
She turns around on his arms to plant a soft kiss on his lips, her hands travelling to his hair and I felt the strong urge to vomit. If only he knew those lips were the cause of so many deaths. Everything bad I have done to this day can be blamed on her, she was the fucking stressor.
There's a part of me that desperately wants to know if my absence has done her any damage. That she too experiences long, restless nights due to the thought of me. I wanna know her heart is broken in the same places as mine, that I meant something at all to her. But after what happened I highly doubt it. She doesn't;t even know I'm alive.
And truly I was okay with it, it only made ending them all easier. One thing dear old dad taught me is that you don't make history by being liked. They can hate me all they want later, but this must happen. It's the only way to purify us. It's the only way to clean my family's name.
A loud banging to the door disrupts my irritating thoughts, tears on the brink of slipping out but I wipe them back. With a deep sigh, I turn towards the bathroom door and open it wide, displaying a small smile on my lips even though the act burns my skin. "Hey," I stare at the boy in front of me, toying with the golden chain around my neck out of nervousness as I wait for him to say what the fuck he wants.
"Harry and Louis are out with Gemma so I thought we could call Davina and Zayn downstairs, maybe have some drinks."
"Sure," I nod along, stepping out of the hallway as we both made our way towards the stairs. Let's see her stupid face one more time, hear her lies even if I know all the truth already.
Just as we passed Harry's room, she was leaving, flashing a bright smile in our direction as she joined us on our way down the stairs.
As her back turns to me, my smile falls, the lump in my throat only growing and I had to fight back every urge to put a bullet through her head right here. I have to calm down and be patient, killing her now would ruin the plan. Memories from all she did mix the excitement for tomorrow's events into a big bright mess that moved around my head. It'll end the same way it started.
She ruined me. She ruined everything I loved and now she'll watch as I set her world on fire.

'Till forever h.s.
FanfictionFamily is everything, but what happens when your family is caught up in a web of duplicity and lies? Davina has come from a wealthy, old family back in London. Her childhood has been pretty privileged by those who look from the outside, but only she...