I miss my sister (26)

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This is genuinely the shortest chapter I've ever written but it's just for the sake of the plot. Go check out the new chapter on cherries & cigars as well!!

Unknown's POV

I pace back and forth in the office waiting for my father to pick up his damn phone. I've been trying to call him for the last ten minutes and any second someone can come looking for me.

This is gold, he'll be delighted to hear this. Finally our plans are falling into place. Davina tried to escape yesterday, Harry told us so, and I may or may not have hinted at her where the spare card was hidden in.

She was carefree yesterday it could have fooled anyone into believing she's actually as innocent as she tries to appear. But my father didn't raise a fool, a psychotic cold hearted killer maybe but not a fool. I know what she's trying to do and I feel bad they're all falling into her trap.

Father told me she was the reason Charlie died, but I can't help feeling scared of where this journey for purification of our family will take me. It takes a monster to destroy a monster and that's not who I want to be.

"Hello." The deep voice finally answers. Relief flooding through me now that I can finally let out what's been in my mind this whole day.

"She tried to escape yesterday." I keep my answer short and simple, skipping introductions knowing he hates when we waste too much time. Running a hand through my hair, a deep breath fills my lungs in worry of how he'll reach.

"Good. We'll send men to watch the building in case she succeeds."

And with that, the line is silent once again. I think my father is having a bad day but at least he isn't disappointed, at least he agreed with my plan. He thinks I'm better than her.

Crouching down so my forehead rests against the desk, tears brim my eyes and I suck in a sharp inhale. My sweaty roots itching as I grasp them roughly. He loves me, he thinks I'm better than her. A small sob escapes my lips and agony makes its way up my veins, my heart wrapped tightly in a knot.

But I miss my sister.

The sudden sound of the office door opening causes me to shoot up to my feet. Wiping my teary eyes with the back of my hand, I smile lightly before turning around to face the intruder, the act burning my cheeks. Phone clutched tightly in my hands to stop them from shaking.

"You won't believe what we found in Harry's car."

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