You give me fireflies (34)

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A/N This is my first double update, I'm so excited!!

And there is a big part of me that wishes I never met you. I preferred the emptiness when I didn't know it was there.

Davina's POV

"Come on," Harry's tired voice echoes through my silenced thoughts, awakening me from a light state of sleep.

It was completely dark now, the only illumination coming from the outside city lights. I could only make out a silhouette in the darkness but the comfort of his hands around my waist felt so right it couldn't have been anyone else. He runs a hand through my hair softly, giving a peck to the skin just above my eyebrows.

I stand to my feet, my back aching from being slouched on this chair for god knows how long. Tiredness still ran through my veins as much as it did when I first arrived in the bedroom, this small nap feeling nothing but like a long blink of an eye. The ground swayed under me, dizziness from standing up so quickly made my head spin.

Harry guides me to the bed, laying me down on the cold sheets as my hands come to rest under my cheeks. I feel the warm duvet soon cover me, a protection from the freezing air conditioner he must have turned on. "Sleep angel," He's only a whisper away, droopy tone as I sense the bed shift beside me and his hand ever so delicately brush against mine.

With a fluttering to my heart and ease to my mind, my hooded eyelids fall back shut and I compromise. Sleep engulfs my entirety and it feels as if I've been swallowed down a hole of emptiness and peace. The last thing I hear before completely slipping out of consciousness is his voice but I wasn't even sure what's real anymore. Maybe it's all a dream.

"Happy birthday,"

"Davina, did you listen to a word I said?" Niall interrupts the heartwarming memories that filled my head, snapping me back to the reality of the way too warm kitchen. Sweat coated my temples, making my legs stick to the kitchen stool in an uncomfortable manner.

I wasn't even sure such events happened, I was so tired and it was so dark. I could very well be imagining things? He wasn't even there when I woke up which unfortunately didn't surprise me. To be fair I haven't seen him all day, Harry and Louis completely vanished after breakfast saying they had to 'resolve a few things.

And dreadfully for me, 'things didn't include making Gemma disappear. She was hot on my heels the whole morning and only left now for a few meetings with the defence department or whatever the fuck she said. I honestly don't know.

"Sorry, what?" I ask him with an apologetic tone. We sat at the kitchen island, sharing brownies as Niall rambled about different topics and I tried to keep up and react. It was really hot all day which is why I only wore a summer dress, but it's around four in the afternoon now and I'm guessing it'll start to get more chilly or so I hope. Niall even suggested turning on the AC for the living room but I feel bad cuz that's such a waste of energy, the room is too big.

He rolls his eyes playfully and leans forward to steal the brownie from my hand just as I was about to take a bite off of it. I give him a pointed look and get another one on the plate, eating it before Niall has the chance to steal it. "I said we should buy a bunch of ice cream and drink till we pass out, for your birthday you know." He says out of nowhere, closing his eyes and enjoying the pleasant taste of the freshly made cake.

I really owe Louis a lot, that man can cook anything.

I chuckle at him, shaking my head lightly. "You know how it ended last time we got that drunk." Niall gives me one of his cheeky winks in remembrance of the night we got plastered in the living room, he had such a beautiful smile. "Plus it doesn't really matter, birthdays are not a big deal anyway."

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